
2017 Plant Simulation Worldwide User Conference presentations

Visit the 2017 Plant Simulation Worldwide User Conference forum to download, view and share presentations delivered by Siemens Plant Simulation software experts, partners, and Plant Simulation customers during the June event in Stuttgart, Germany.We are adding a new presentation each day this month so visit us often!

View the 2017 Plant Simulation Worldwide User Conference presentations here


 Applause_Plant Simulation User Conference 2017 (40 von 208).pngA full house during the 2017 Plant Simulation Worldwide User Conference

 zvi at plant sim conference presentation.JPGZvi Feuer delivered the keynote speech at the 2017 Plant Simulation Worldwide User Conference in Stuttgart, Germany


Laser_show_ending_of_the_second_day.pngGuests were treated to a laser show following day 2 of the conference

Stephanie Aldrete

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