
Tecnomatix optimizes logistics processes for Institute of Shipping Economics and Logistics

Logistics simulation helps lower offshore wind power project costs for Siemens PLM customer Institute of Shipping Economics and Logistics in Bremen, Germany.  The Institute of Shipping Economics and Logistics is a research-based consulting institute, advising both public and private organizations on maritime logistics. It is one of Europe’s leading institutes in the area of maritime research, consulting and knowledge transfer. From offices in Bremen and Bremerhaven, Germany, the organization’s interdisciplinary teams take on projects from all over the world, such as optimizing logistics of offshore wind power engineering.

Using Siemens’ Tecnomatix software, including Plant Simulation, logistics processes are optimized to ensure projects can be executed in a short-weather window, boosting return on wind power investments

Institute of Shipping Economics and Logistics’ Business Challenges

  • Difficult environment for wind farm installations

  • Narrow weather window for assembling wind stations

  • Synchronization of production and logistics

  • Ensuring the customer’s return-on-investment

  • Orchestrating a complex supplier network

Keys to Success with Siemens Tecnomatix software

  • Logistics simulation with Tecnomatix Plant Simulation

  • Supply chain modeling

  • Ability to run what-if planning scenarios

  • Linking production to logistics for smooth project execution


  • Logistics costs reduced by 10 percent

  • Potential delays predicted; alternative plans established

  • Ability to evaluate different supply chain strategies

  • Optimized use of valuable resources such as cranes, ships, ports, etc.

Read the complete success story

Watch the case study video


Stephanie Aldrete

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