
Tim Hewitt from Siemens to speak at SEMICON WEST

Tim Hewitt, Director for Industry Services, Siemens PLM, will present “Smart Manufacturing in the IC Industry: Realizing the Digital Factory Vision,” during the session Next Generation Smart Manufacturing: Collaboration Towards Enabling Practical Predictive Analytics and Traceability Across the Electronics Supply Chain.  The SEMICON WEST Conference session is co-Hosted by the SEMI Smart Manufacturing Advisory Council.

Session abstract: While the electronics sector is already well experienced with automation and data analysis to improve yields and reduce costs, the current increase in the complexity of manufacturing processes, the improvements in sophisticated data management tools, and the increasingly inter-related value chain are now creating new opportunities for significantly improving performance, but also new challenges in putting all the parts together.  We will look at the future vision for smart manufacturing across our industry, the key challenges to get there, the practicalities of predictive maintenance and predictive simulation, and the issues and solutions for communicating the needed data efficiently and securely across suppliers and customers for the benefit of all. 

When: The SEMICON WEST session begins on Tuesday, July 11, at 2:00pm. Tim Hewitt speaks at 2:10pm.

Siemens Presentation Abstract: Smart Manufacturing in the IC Industry: Realizing the Digital Factory Vision: The pace of change and complexity of manufactured products continues to increase. The way products are designed and manufactured is causing the global manufacturing sector to have to evolve at a high rate of change.With accelerating global competition, extreme quality measures required by automotive, a need to design anywhere and build anywhere, more demanding consumers and shortened product development lifecycles, a sound digital factory strategy is more important than ever.To gain a competitive edge, manufacturers are quickly adopting the expanding role of the advanced digital factory as a fundamental strategy. We will explore those options across your design and manufacturing landscape and how this will help you to realize innovation. 


About the Speaker: Tim Hewitt, Director for Industry Services, Siemens PLM Sofware

Tim Hewitt is Director for Industry Services, specializing in Semiconductor and High Technology factory deployments for Siemens PLM Software. Tim started his career with Fairchild Semiconductor in 1987, and had responsibility for Manufacturing and Factory Automation Systems with Fairchild and National Semiconductor for most of the next 18 years.In 2010, Tim moved to Penang, Malaysia where he had singular responsibility for Manufacturing and Factory Automation Systems for Fairchild’s Asian Assembly and Test operations.  Joining Camstar in 2015 after a successful deployment of Camstar MES at Fairchild, Tim continues to strive for manufacturing systems excellence in his current role for Siemens PLM.Hewitt_Tim Photo 060517sized.jpg



Stephanie Aldrete

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