
“Manufacturing in the World of Industrie 4.0,” Read about it in Desktop Engineering Magazine

Don’t miss this article in Desktop Engineering titled, “Manufacturing in the World of Industrie 4.0,” that describes how Siemens PLM Software is taking a lead role in efforts to network humans, objects and systems for tomorrow’s smart factory revolution.  In case you are not familiar, the vision is that normal, repetitive assembly lines will be obsolete by 2025, replaced by flexible, smart manufacturing systems that act and react according to a two-way digital data-stream. 

Siemens Senior Vice President, Zvi Feuer, is quoted throughout the story to offer a glimpse of our long-term strategy to deliver the digital factory of the future.When speaking about the importance of new business models and new tactics, Zvi said, “Next generation manufacturing offers a way to meet customer demands for new, high-quality customized offerings at ever-shorter time intervals. It also has the potential to reduce resource utilization, which will help manufacturers cope with growing cost pressures.”

Do you want to learn more?  Read the complete story, “Manufacturing in the World of Industrie 4.0,” at Desktop Engineering online.  What are your thoughts about Siemens strategy for smart manufacturing systems for the factory of the future?


Stephanie Aldrete

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at