
Data Farming Research Project with Audi and VW

Wondering what to expect at the Plant Simulation Worldwide User Conference?


Get a glimpse of the type of presentation you’ll experience at the upcoming Plant Simulation Worldwide User Conference in October!


This presentation, “Data Farming Research Project with Audi and VW,”  will be delivered on Wednesday, October 17th, by Professor Dr. Strassburger, Dr. Soeren Bergmann, and Niclas Feldkamp M.Sc.Ilmenau University of Technology, Department of Economic Sciences and Media Business Information Systems Engineering for Industrial Information Systems Engineering.




Discrete event simulation is an established and popular technology for investigating the dynamic behavior of complex manufacturing and logistics systems. Besides conventional simulation studies that focus on single model aspects answering project specific analysis questions, new methods of broad scale experiment design and system analysis emerge alongside new developments of computational power and data processing. The use of such new concept, like data farming and knowledge discovery, enables to investigate the bandwidth of possible system behavior in a more in-depth way.  In this work, the team applied their developed methodology of knowledge discovery in simulation data onto an industrial case study of a production process by Audi.


Download the complete conference agenda below.  Follow this link to more information about the annual Plant Simulation Worldwide User Conference. 

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Stephanie Aldrete

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