
Evektor maintains industry leadership with Axiom Tech & Siemens’ software solutions

This video was created by Siemens partner, Axiom Tech, to highlight the success of customer, Evektor, with their use of Siemens’ software solutions.

The company Evektor focuses on the development and engineering services in the aircraft, automotive and consumer industries. The aircraft division provides the development and production of our own aircrafts and development of interiors for the producers of traffic airplanes. We have successfully been selling our own small aircraft in more than 50 countries in the world.   The engineering division cooperates in the field of engineering especially with the Skoda Auto and Stihl companies. 

Another Evektor specialization is the prototype production by various 3D print technologies, vacuum casting and machining of special materials.  Evektor provides the whole development cycle of the product in the automotive and consumer areas from design, through engineering and analysis, building prototypes to serial production.  We started cooperating with Axium Tech in 2010 around analysis and calculations thanks to the Femap system. Nowadays we are the biggest user of Femap in the CR and in the aircraft industry we use it for the finite element analysis. 

In 2016 we decided to expand our business towards projection and programming of robotic production lines. 

After detailed testing we decided to buy two licenses of Process Simulate software that is part of the Siemens Tecnomatix suite.  Besides supplying the software, the biggest contribution of Axiom Tech was passing on the methodology of using the solution and know-how of robotics.  Another unique cooperation with Axiom Tech was machining, simulation and optimization of aircraft parts on the 5-axis CNC milling machines.  

This year (2019) we bought a new CNC machine for 5-axis milling of special materials for model preparation.  We bought licenses of NX CAD/CAM for machining preparation.  Part of NX CAD/CAM solution was a custom-made, fine-tuned postprocessor and we also got training in this area.  Like our main customer, Skoda Auto, we use the software Star CCM+ for calculations. We use it for solving problems of inner and outer flows, including aerodynamics calculations of acoustics and heat transfer.  Axiom Tech provides a wide range of software in various fields.  

Thanks to Siemens PLM systems that are standard in many fields of automotive and aircraft industry, we also improve the cooperation with a wide range of our customers and thanks to that we remain among the leaders in engineering.   

Evektor 1.PNG

Stephanie Aldrete

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