Picture of Stefan J. Koch, Technical Director, more3D immersed in a VR session using Tecnomatix Plant Simulation software.

Advanced virtual reality with Plant Simulation software

In this lecture, we explore the integration of Plant Simulation software with Virtual Reality (VR) technology, specifically HTC Vive, and discover the transformative impact it has on manufacturing efficiency. By merging the power of Plant Simulation software’s digital modeling with the immersive capabilities of VR, we unlock a new dimension in optimizing and streamlining manufacturing processes.

Marc Hermans, a specialist in event-based simulation with Siemens Digital Industries Software Plant Simulation,

Easy manufacturing optimization: 2 ways to use the Neural Network wizard in Tecnomatix Plant Simulation in combination with the Experiment Manager

Marc Hermans is a specialist in event-based simulation with Plant Simulation software from Siemens Digital Industries Software. Join him at the 2023 Plant Simulation User Conference in Munich, Germany, as he explores the synergy between the Neural Network wizard and the Experiment Manager in Tecnomatix Plant Simulation.

Plant Simulation User Meeting "What's new" presentation

Welcome to the 2023 Tecnomatix Plant Simulation User Conference!

Discrete event simulation is a powerful tool used in many industries, including manufacturing, logistics, and healthcare. It involves modeling a system as a series of discrete events, such as the arrival of a customer or the start of a production run, and simulating how the system behaves over time. This allows analysts to study the system’s performance under different scenarios, identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies, and test new strategies for improvement. Plant Simulation software from Siemens is one of the leading platforms for discrete event simulation, and the annual user conference is a key event for experts in the field to share knowledge and insights.

Smart manufacturing moves EV production into the fast lane.

How smart manufacturing helps solve EV production challenges

Siemens Digital Industries Software recently shared its insights on smart manufacturing for electric vehicle production with Automotive Manufacturing Solutions. The…

Enabling digital collaboration through process simulation software

Discover the opportunity to modernize communication with a digital solution that drives efficiency and brings human-robot collaboration to the next level.

50 % decrease in drop inventory. Simulation helps with analysis, optimization, and with execution.

50 % decrease in drop inventory. Simulation helps with analysis, optimization and execution. Surprising results from feeding simulation data into a customer specific manufacturing system.

Logistics Planning in Universities? Material Flow Simulation for Students?

The Plant Simulation Student Challenge starts into round two:
This Challenge is intended for students and professors in academics, university, learning and education.

GM VR Human Simulation

Virtual reality and human simulation at GM

General Motors uses virtual reality and human simulation together to accelerate early issue discovery and improve team communication Virtual reality…

Ford automates factory layout design

Automaker shows how streamlined assembly line design helps to connect disparate systems and drive cost efficiency in manufacturing The automotive…