
IPC APEX EXPO starts Feb 14. Put Siemens PLM on your schedule.

Don’t miss Siemens PLM Software at IPC APEX EXPO 2017 on Wednesday, February 15 at 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM, when our experts will be on hand to answer your questions related to our posters describing exciting new technologies and the strategies to implement them.Look for the Siemens posters in public hallway areas of IPC APEX EXPO.

  1. Additive Manufacturing Reshapes Everything.  New software, hardware and material technologies transform the way products are designed and manufactured. 3D printing helps companies produce new-generation parts that were impossible to make before. Learn about revolutionary technologies that industrialize 3D printing.

  2. Advanced Robotics for Complex Electronics Assembly. In electronics assembly today next generation products are adding manufacturing complexity and increased production costs are driving the need for automation. However, automation is reducing errors while increasing quality and speed, and flexible, adaptable robotics technology is readily available.Learn how you can easily automate difficult tasks for improved performance.

  3. Green Design and the Benefits of PLM.  Consumers demand greener, more environmentally and socially compliant products to protect the earth and mankind.  Adopting strategies to enable the efficient design of green products can help manufacturers meet consumer and consumer demands, comply with regulations and create winning products.Learn about the challenges, methods, results and our conclusions about Green Design.

  4. Product Performance Intelligence for Better Products and Customer Experience.  Prevent recalls, improve quality, and deliver better customer experience.  Challenges are growing for electronics companies.  Valuable opportunities exist in these challenges.  Disparate data silos inhibit opportunities. Learn how you can transform data into product performance intelligence and seize the opportunities and deliver proven business value.

Visit the Siemens PLM exhibit in booth #1023. The exhibit will demonstrate how Siemens connects the digital thread from planning and design to production and beyond, creating an integrated manufacturing data model with the intelligence to easily interoperate among departments, systems and sites helping close the loop for improved efficiency for the Electronics Industry.  Visit Siemens PLM web pages for information about Electronics Industry Solutions.

Stephanie Aldrete

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