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Picture of Natalie Vollmer, Simulation Expert at Siemens' electric motor factory in Bad Neustadt.

The empowering benefits of linking the digital twin of production online with real production

By linking the digital twin of production online with the real production, a completely new quality of data is generated within the material flow simulation model. This enables the unlocking of new use cases for planners and shop floor leaders.

Picture of Björn Kraiger of HATEC.

Considerably lowering energy consumption while maintaining throughput capacity using Tecnomatix Plant Simulation software

Björn Kraiger is a specialist in event-based simulation with Tecnomatix Plant Simulation software from Siemens Digital Industries Software. He will present at the 2023 Plant Simulation User Conference in Munich, Germany, to explain how to lower energy consumption while maintaining throughput using factory simulation.

Join a community of thinkers, doers and change makers at Realize LIVE 2024.

Realize LIVE 2023 – see all the Digital Manufacturing and Tecnomatix sessions.

Realize LIVE 2023 is nearly here! Join us to learn about the world of digital manufacturing.

Marc Hermans, a specialist in event-based simulation with Siemens Digital Industries Software Plant Simulation,

Easy manufacturing optimization: 2 ways to use the Neural Network wizard in Tecnomatix Plant Simulation in combination with the Experiment Manager

Marc Hermans is a specialist in event-based simulation with Plant Simulation software from Siemens Digital Industries Software. Join him at the 2023 Plant Simulation User Conference in Munich, Germany, as he explores the synergy between the Neural Network wizard and the Experiment Manager in Tecnomatix Plant Simulation.

Join a community of thinkers, doers and change makers at Realize LIVE 2024.

Join the transformation. Register for Realize LIVE 2023 today.

Realize LIVE 2023 is just around the corner! There is still time to register to join us for the digital transformation event of the year.


Cloud-based manufacturing simulation software now more accessible than ever before

The cloud computing market is projected to grow from $446.4 billion in 2022 to $1.03 trillion by 2026. With cloud-based access, manufacturers recognize they can innovate faster, reduce costs, and foster collaboration in a secure environment. Explore how Siemens software is now easily accessible from cloud providers like AWS Marketplace.

Plant Simulation User Meeting "What's new" presentation

Welcome to the 2023 Tecnomatix Plant Simulation User Conference!

Discrete event simulation is a powerful tool used in many industries, including manufacturing, logistics, and healthcare. It involves modeling a system as a series of discrete events, such as the arrival of a customer or the start of a production run, and simulating how the system behaves over time. This allows analysts to study the system’s performance under different scenarios, identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies, and test new strategies for improvement. Plant Simulation software from Siemens is one of the leading platforms for discrete event simulation, and the annual user conference is a key event for experts in the field to share knowledge and insights.

3D bottle filling simulation model in Plant Simulation software.

Discover what’s new in Plant Simulation 2302

Next-level factory simulation and optimization with Tecnomatix digital manufacturing. Plant Simulation in the Tecnomatix® portfolio of digital manufacturing software optimizes…

Join a community of thinkers, doers and change makers at Realize LIVE 2024.

Join the Tecnomatix sessions at Realize LIVE 2023 in Las Vegas

Realize LIVE 2023 is almost here. This flagship Tecnomatix customer and community event is set to take place from June…