
Realize LIVE for Simulation Conference presentation hand-outs now available

Great news! You can now view the presentation hand-outs from the October 2019 Realize LIVE for Simulation conference hosted by Siemens Digital Industries Software in Stuttgart, Germany.

If you have comments or questions, please leave them in the comment section below.

Click on the name of each presentation to view the hand-out.

Digitalization journey: How Electrolux is using Plant Simulation to develop smarter manufacturing facilities and what’s next

This presentation was delivered by Ivan Braga, Electrolux Home Products.  Ivan’s presentation was voted “Best Presentation of the Year” at the Realize LIVE for Simulation conference.

Electrolux has invested considerable effort into a Digital Manufacturing transformation over the past years, and discrete event simulation has been one of the key initiatives under that scope. This presentation aims at sharing how Electrolux has successfully deployed Plant Simulation as a tool for prototyping, communication, and optimization, especially for large greenfield manufacturing projects. In addition to that, while Plant Simulation becomes a consolidated internal tool for optimization, questions are raised on how to keep growing simulation projects and deliver more value to the group.

Plant Simulation VR, virtual reality factory visualization,collaboration and control with HTC Vive and Co.

This presentation was delivered by Eduard Kinas, CEO, more3D GmbH & Co. KG.

more3D presented the pioneering moreViz software. After a short outline of the history of virtual reality (VR) a detailed picture of the profit of VR in connection with Plant Simulation was drawn. An interactive demonstration of the VR bridge moreViz is the complement of the presentation.

App based Value Stream Simulation in a Cloud Solution based on the Plant Simulation VSM Library

This presentation was delivered by Stephan Stauber and Robert Forstner, SimPlan AG.

Value stream simulation is used to assist value stream analysis and design. The workshop provides a first introduction to the app-based Value Stream Simulation Solution “SimVSM” which also uses the Plant Simulation “ Value Stream Mapping”  library. The participants will get an insight into the developed cloud base service concept and the automatic model generation based on XML Structures. Modeling a value stream, performing various simulation runs and comparing the KPI results will complete the workshop.

Modeling in 3D

This presentation was delivered by Ralph Bauknecht, Siemens Digital Industries.

Simulation models need to transport the advantage of an optimized planning scenario to non-experts. This is supported widely by 3D visualization and animation.  This presentation shows the new pose and joint feature, pick & place robot, graphics optimization, shadows, sky and more. Mr. Bauknecht will also talk about graphics import, video path definition and video capturing.

Teamcenter Manufacturing – Plant Simulation – Teamcenter Wizard and more

This presentation was delivered by Ralph Bauknecht, Siemens Digital Industries.

Today’s planning demands can only be met when the different parties work together in new ways. Data exists in single sources and needs to be reused efficiently by the multiple disciplines and tools.  Mr. Bauknecht will show in a live demo the reuse of Teamcenter and Line Designer data in Plant Simulation, using of the new Teamcenter Wizard. The talk will also graze subjects like NX Line Designer, Teamcenter MPP, EasyPlan or Process Simulate software.

Using Custom Class Libraries:  The MTC Class Library

This presentation was delivered by Dr. Matthew Gilbert, MTC Limited, UK.

The MTC has developed a set of standard functionalities as a custom Class Library that have been used to complement the existing functionality offered in Siemens Plant Simulation. The use of this custom Class Library will be demonstrated using live models. Example functionalities include automatic inheritance verification, management of custom utilization states, enhanced multi-skilled worker allocations and a data-driven, automatic model build mode. It is developed in such a way that it is constantly evolving as further functionality is required. The MTC Class Library has been successfully used to reduce model build and testing times, especially for more standard models.

Analysis of complex power & free conveyor  system using Tecnomatix Plant Simulation

This presentation was delivered by Harshkumar Dadhaniya, Shigeo Solutions India.

There is a spider-web of a Power & Free conveyor system between 6 Body shops, 3 Paint shops and 4 Assembly shops in an automotive company. All the shops are inter-connected with each other. So whenever demand changes, the way hangers flow into this P&F system changes drastically. So the team which is responsible to manage the sufficient supply of these hangers at all the shops can’t predict the behavior and do some mess-ups. So our objective is to create predictive tool in Tecnomatix Plant Simulation, which is going to reflect the exact behavior of system for any particular given set of demand. With help of this model, shop floor team can understand the future working of the hangers so that body shops can’t get blocked and Assembly shops doesn’t get starved.

3D Simulation of next-gen autonomous vehicles in mixed- traffic container terminals

This presentation was delivered by Berry Gerrits, Distribute Netherlands

In collaboration with a large yard tractor manufacturer, Distribute studied the impact of a decentralized control approach of autonomous yard tractors in a container terminal.  In this presentation Berry Gerrits shows how simulation assists us in quantifying the impact of autonomous yard tractors in container terminals and how allowing mixing in manual trucks impacts overall performance. We elaborate on the modeling approaches of the various components of a terminal, including traffic control in Plant Simulation software.

Digital Twin in the Cloud – the results of the EU Research Project “Optimised

This presentation was delivered by Dirk Wortmann, SimPlan AG

Digital Twin of a building components manufacturing: The EU research project “Optimised” was started in 2015 and finished in 2018. “Optimised” stands for Operational Planning Tool Interfacing
Manufacturing Integrated Simulations with Empirical Data. The primary objective was the development and pilot implementation of a manufacturing scheduling optimization system, which
uses smart sensors and big data analytics to monitor, react to and improve manufacturing performance.

Smart Plant Design with Plant Simulation and HEEDS

This presentation was delivered by Dr. Daniel Klein, Siemens AG.

Simulation has become a gold standard for factory planners. With the help of simulation different concepts can quickly be evaluated, new set ups can be tested and planners gain an invaluable insight in their plant before it physically exists. To fully exploit the benefits of simulation a new approach is shown where Plant Simulation software is connected to HEEDS to optimize a plant or to analyze correlations within the plant that were previously unknown.

Simulation of Vessel Traffic in Ports using Plant Simulation

This presentation was delivered by Carsten Eckert, HPC Hamburg Port Consulting GmbH

Ports are the backbone of international logistics. Insufficient port resources, such as tugboats, pilots and berths, but also spatial limits of the port’s approach channel regularly lead to unwanted waiting times for vessels. Simulation can be used to analyze the vessel traffic in ports and to assess improvement options. Next to equipment numbers (tugs, pilots…) also the impact of adaptations of port traffic regulations and deepening of waterways can be evaluated.  Based on HPC’s existing simulation toolbox, HPCsim, a marine traffic simulation module has been  developed. All kinds of ports, different vessel types and complex port regulations can be modeled. The toolbox also includes weather and tidal conditions. In the presentation, the underlying concepts and challenges during use of the simulation models as well as representative results of some of HPC’s previous projects are presented.

Large scale 3D Plant Simulation models used at SSI Schaefer in intralogistics – lessons learned

This presentation was delivered by Lars-Boris Böttcher, SSI SCHÄFER

Following a constant growth over the few last decades, simulation in intralogistics has experienced a surge within the last 3 years. This is due to an increasing size and complexity of systems and smarter
solutions. Current discussions about AI and Digital Twin are amplifying this effect. Observing the market, different tools are competing in 3D animation, offering high quality 3D visualizations. Therefore, SSI Schäfer was using 2D simulation in addition to 3D animations. This changed due to the improved 3D capabilities of Plant Simulation software. SSI Schäfer is constantly expanding its 3D modeling, meanwhile running the largest and most complex studies with >250,000 simultaneously moving items in 3D. This talk is to share experiences, limitations, concepts, quick wins and motivations in large scale 3D models. It will show examples of large intralogistics simulation models naming run-times, pitfalls and lessons learned.

Modeling of worker impacts in automated body shop lines (approach and findings)

This presentation was delivered by Steffen Bangsow, Advanced Simulation Service.

In order to model the impact of the workers on the throughput of a body shop line, both robots and workers have to be modeled in detail with their processes. The presentation shows several approaches to do this.

  • modeling of assembly (welding, riveting, folding, screwing…) and handling robots
  • modeling of robots on rails (7th axis)
  • modeling of workers
  • linking of robot and worker processes (e.g. modeling of worker gates)
  • impacts of workers: e.g. missing the gate open-times, delays in case of failures, “bridging” of buffers

Cost Simulation in Plant Simulation Version 15

This presentation was delivered by Timo Staudenmaier, Siemens Industry Software GmbH

In Plant Simulation version 15 we introduced the Cost Analysis feature. We will present the functionality of the new object. W e explain how to use the object together with the HTML Report, how the accrued costs are
distributed to the moving parts during a simulation run, how those costs are accumulated at the part types, and how to query the analysis result. The introduction includes access to the object by SimTalk methods.

Gas Turbine Burner production at the Siemens plant in Berlin Plant Simulation Manage Material and Worker – First Practical Results

Enjoy viewing this presentation delivered by Dr. Thomas Stoffel, Siemens AG

This presentation shows the first practical results of using Plant Simulation for optimized workers allocation and workstation usage in the Gas Turbine Burner production at the Siemens plant in Berlin. It covers the domains parts, routing, workstations, human resources and client (load plan). W ith its capabilities especially in human resources management it shows strong improvements of worker productivity.

Digital twin of a body shop containing robots and human workers in Plant Simulation at Magna Steyr Fahrzeugtechnik (MSF)

As part of investment projects, MSF identified the need for in-depth simulation support in body shops. Although the system suppliers provided models, in direct comparison with data from the current plant it turned out, that they were mostly useless for most questions during the operation. The main reason was the low level of detail of the models. Because of this MSF decided to develop new in-depth models for the body shops. In order to meet the requirements of the production department, the new models had to be much more detailed. Basic elements of the models are now e.g. all robots and workers with their individual process steps (at the same level of detail as the cycle time diagrams). In addition, all conveyor elements must be included, which have a direct link to the robot programs and are controlled by them. Parallel to the modeling process, MSF started to develop “BIG DATA methods” to automatically acquire and provide important data from the real plant to the model (e.g. failure data and robot sub-process data). The presentation will show motivation, basic approaches and benefits from more than three years work with the digital twins.

Making 4D layout design tangible: Use cases of the edddison hardware UI

Enjoy viewing this presentation delivered by Thomas Kienzl, CEO, edddison technologies OG Austria.

edddison is an add-on for Tecnomatix Plant Simulation. It enables non technical people to navigate and interact with a 3D model and use the key features of Plant Simulation. The simplicity of the solution allows you to involve customers, managers and colleagues in the planning and design process. Made for people who want to plan and present better with Tecnomatix Plant Simulation.  For 25 years the companies have accomplished a lot. They have implemented quite a number of impressive customer projects, won prestigious awards, and presented at globally-renowned trade shows. W th his team, he has been working successfully for several well-known companies such as: Nokia, Red Bull, City of Vienna, Graz, Istanbul, Daimler, Egger W ood, Magna, ÖBB, Permasteelisa, Tesla, EDF and others. 

Comparison of control algorithms for in-plant milk-run systems solving the vehicle routing problem

Enjoy viewing this presentation delivered by Christian Lieb, Technical University of Munich (TUM).

The demand for flexible and dynamic production systems is continuously increasing. As a result, the requirements for internal production supply are also changing. In order to avoid bottlenecks even during peak loads, static supply concepts usually have to be oversized. Dynamic approaches, on the other hand, promise a stable and efficient system.  The internal transport in production supply can be divided into direct and collective transport. While direct transport, e. g. by means of forklifts, is already flexible, there are usually no suitable concepts for exploiting the advantages of collective transport in dynamic production systems.  The presentation will show various such concepts. Solving the vehicle routing problem under practical constraints is fundamental for each. In addition, the implementation of the internal production supply in Plant Simulation as well as the evaluation of the control approaches are presented. 

Testing real Warehouse Management Software (WMS) with Plant Simulation using the OPC Interface. Use case for Pesmel, Finland and cards PLM Solutions Warehousing and Logistics Library

Enjoy viewing this presentation delivered by Auke Nieuwenhuis, cards PLM Solutions B.V.

Testing and optimizing of operations systems such as Warehouse Management Systems (W MS) is a complex task. For a fully-integrated test, all hardware must be in operation. W ith big systems such as Automated Storage and Retrieval systems (ASRS), this is a time-consuming job, it makes the whole commissioning time complex and long.  By connecting a simulation model to the development of the W MS system, hardware and software development of different layers in the operation can be done simultaneously.  Time for real life testing will be reduced dramatically and issues are found in an early stage when the software is tested on the virtual twin of the ASRS operation.  Testing real Warehouse Management Software (WMS) Plant Simulation using the OPC Interface Use case for Pesmel, Finland and cards PLM Solutions Warehousing and Logistics Library.

Plant Simulation in the Glass manufacturing industry and integration of XHQ, improving enterprise performance through operations intelligence solutions

Enjoy viewing this presentation delivered by Heinz-Josef Lennartz, Magdi El-Awdan, Bernd Lehmann, from Siemens AG, Germany.

The presentation shows how to use Tecnomatix Plant Simulation in combination with cloud based XHQ models, to tell the whole project story. The real 3D data is taken from OEMs to realize the Tecnomatix Plant Simulation models. The XHQ model has a connection via interface. A perfect synthesis between automation- and virtual world.

Simulation of a Large-Scale Storage System for Laser Cutting Machinery

This presentation was delivered by Tiago Vacaro, Randon Implementos, Brazil.

To increase productivity and reduce production costs, Randon Implementos decided to acquire a large-scale storage system for laser cutting machinery. The system integrates five laser cutting machines with an automated vertical warehouse. The simulation took place on the planning phase of the project, to define elements as the number of conveyors and pallets. Other goals of the study were the evaluation of different scenarios of production strategy, as well the efficiency of the machines.

Control the material flow sequence in Plant Simulation according a schedule generated in Preactor

This presentation was delivered by Marc Philip Hermans, Audi Hungaria Zrt. & GraphIT.

In leaving conventional conveyor systems and switching to the use of automated guided vehicles, AUDI faced unknown territory. With first simulations with relative freely moving AGVs, it became clear that conventional push, pull and conwip controls, where insufficient. In conventional systems, the production sequence and daily production program can be seen as each other’s mirrors. Turbulences in the sequence is relatively restricted and only occurs at defined weak spots in the production flow. This behavior makes it quite easy to control and manage
the sequence over a relatively small amount of control points. Due to the use of AGVs, it becomes quite simple to reuse resources within the production flow, but this simplicity comes with a high price. With this study using Preactor and Plant Simulation, we want to give you an idea on the complexity of the problem and a good solution to keep the sequence in a production flow upright. After giving some insight into the problems encountered, we will show you how we used the ODBC Interface to pass vital information between Preactor and Plant Simulation.
In a final part we will show you how we used the scheduling information from Preactor calculated to reach higher granularity in our PULL controls between the different resources, restoring the production flow.

Stephanie Aldrete


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