
Siemens to host Digital Twin Summit, Thursday, July 21st, in Chicago.

We are at a significant point in history to make the concept of “Digital Twin” a reality with the advent of the latest technologies and digitalization of processes. The maturity of technologies now allows you to define very accurate representations of virtual products to give a true representation of the real products. Manufacturing systems today collect and organize a wealth of information. The timing is right to realize your vision of digital twin.  Siemens invites you to this exciting one day event and is eager to show you how to execute on your vision.

Siemens has selected an excellent location for the event:  DMDII (Digital Manufacturing and Design Innovation Institute), a world-class, first-of-its-kind manufacturing hub based in Chicago. During the summit, Siemens will show you how to bring the two worlds of digital product development and manufacturing together through engaging conversations and content. We have lined up an impressive list of speakers and agenda.  This one day event will provide ample opportunities for you to listen to expert presenters, network and participate in engaging conversations to learn about digital twin, benefits and actualization. 

Register Now.

Digital Twin Summit 2016 Agenda

Thursday, July 21, 2016
7:30am-8:30am: Breakfast / Registration 
8:30am-8:45am: Welcome and Opening – Barry Chapman, Vice President, Aerospace and Defense Industry, Siemens PLM Software 
8:45am-9:15am: Customer Keynote: Digital Twin Digital Thread, Colonel Keith Bearden, USAF, PhD, AFMC/EN HQ Deputy Director of Engineering 
9:15am-9:45am: Digital Manufacturing – The Digital Twin and the future of Manufacturing, Dean Bartles, Executive Director, DMDII 
9:45am-10:15am: Aerospace &Defense Value Streams and Digital Twin, Dave Riemer, Vice President, Aerospace and Defense Strategy, Siemens PLM Software 
10:15am-10:45am: Break 
10:45am-11:15am: Panel discussion with Colonel Bearden, Dean Bartles, Alastair Orchard and Dave Riemer on digital twin 
11:15am-12noon: Enabling technologies for Digital Twin, Alastair Orchard, Vice President, Digital Enterprise Project, Siemens 
12noon:12:45pm: Lunch 
12:45pm-1:30pm: Smart Ideation: Product Development process and collaboration platform, Siemens PLM Software presentation followed by customer presentation 
1:30pm-2:15pm: Smart Realization: Product Realization covering manufacturing planning, EWI, plant design and optimization and quality, Siemens PLM Software presentation followed by customer presentation 
2:15pm-2:45pm: Panel discussion on Smart Ideation and Smart Realization with customers 
2:45pm-3:00pm: Break 
3:00pm-3:45pm: Digital Manufacturing Showcase and DMDII tour 
3:45pm-4:00pm: Wrap up and Close, Barry Chapman, Vice President, Aerospace and Defense Industry, Siemens PLM Software

Note: Agenda subject to change

Let’s make it together with the digital twin!

Register Now.

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Stephanie Aldrete

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