
Sign up now! Automotive Functional Safety Seminar

The rapid growth in automotive ICs has ushered in a new era in semiconductor test. Both device suppliers and integrators are scrambling to understand and define critical quality and reliability requirements and implementation solutions.

The new race to develop design automation and IP solutions for the evolving functional safety requirements is the driver behind the seminar offered during ITC, the International Test Conference , which runs from Oct 31-Nov 2 in Fort Worth, Texas.


Register now for the Mentor-sponsored, lunch-time seminar on October 31, 2017, during ITC in Fort Worth, Texas.


The event includes talks from industry experts, including Neil Stroud, director of functional safety at ARM. Stroud will discuss the increased compute performance, security, and safety challenges faced by system developers in the automotive space. He will also introduce concepts that offer efficient, scalable, and cost-effective solutions.


A second industry presentation comes from Tal Kogan, who leads the Computer Vision Group DFT team at Intel in Israel. Kogan will discuss the new structural test issues for automotive ICs, including huge design sizes and the need for in-system test. Kogan puts forth solutions like hierarchical DFT and hybrid EDT/LBIST to reduce in-system test time and meet functional safety requirements. He also covers RTL flow issues related to DFT.


Attendees will also hear from Mentor representatives. GM and VP of the Design-to-Silicon division, Joe Sawicki, will give a lay-of-the-land introduction. Steve Pateras, BIST and automotive product marketing director, will also talk about the DFT and yield solutions for automotive ICs, including an introduction to the Tessent MissionMode solution for in-system test and diagnosis management.


What You Will Learn

  • Design automation and IP features for next-generation automotive electronics
  • New innovative techniques for achieving 0 DPPM semiconductor quality
  • New solutions for in-field test and diagnosis of automotive electronics
  • Unique automation for measuring ISO 26262 functional safety metrics


Register now for the Mentor-sponsored, lunch-time seminar on October 31, 2017, at the Omni Hotel in Fort Worth, Texas.

See you there!


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