
Tessent awarded by Samsung

Everyone benefits from close collaborations between all the players in the semiconductor ecosystem.

Mentor takes industry partnerships seriously, and sometimes we like to draw attention to our successes. Today, it’s the story of Mentor’s Tessent test group and Samsung. Mentor and Samsung have maintained a close partnership for years, with the Tessent products helping enable Samsung to meet the biggest challenges faced by customers today. In recognition of the value of the collaboration with Tessent, specifically in the development of advanced hierarchical DFT, Samsung presented the Tessent group with their SAFE™ (Samsung Advanced Foundry Ecosystem) award for Best Collaboration of 2019.

Just some of our Tessent team that work with Samsung


Recognition from our partners means we are helping our customers succeed, which drives everything we do. This recognition comes on the heels of our certification for Samsung’s advanced 7 nm LPP (Low Power Plus) process, which helps customers take advantage of industry-leading hierarchical DFT and low-impact in-system test functionality.

Tessent hierarchical DFT

Tessent TestKompress hierarchical DFT is a proven divide-and-conquer approach to lowering test time and enabling faster time-to-market. It allows all DFT and ATPG work to be completed at the core/block level, which keeps DFT out of the critical path to tapeout and can reduce implementation time by 50% compared to flat DFT flows.

In addition to hierarchical DFT, the Tessent platform provides total chip coverage for a broad range of markets including ICs for the automotive segment, where quality and reliability are paramount. For example, meeting the stringent ISO 26262 standard for automotive-grade reliability requires that chips support in-system testing during operation to monitor processes and help ensure that the IC is operating free of defects.

In the latest bit to further improve our customer’s experience with hierarchical DFT, we introduced Tessent Connect, an intent-driven optimal end-to-end DFT automation capability. Designed from the ground up to support hierarchical DFT, Mentor’s Tessent Connect automation approach helps eliminate design inefficiencies. With Tessent Connect, designers interact with the Tessent software using a higher level of abstraction, which describes the intended result rather than step-by-step instructions. The benefits of this abstraction-based approach include seamless collaboration across disparate DFT teams, plug-and-play reuse of IC components, significantly shorter turn-around times and the automation of many time-consuming setup, connectivity and pattern generation tasks.

You can read more about Tessent Connect in this white paper, Optimal End-to-End DFT Automation with Tessent Connect

Our innovations in advanced DFT provide extraordinary value to our customers and partners like Samsung. Tessent looks forward to continuing our close partnership with Samsung to enable customer success today and in the future.


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