
Webinar: Building AI Chips that Deliver

Experts from Siemens, Groq, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, and Mythic team up to discuss AI chip design and deployment.

Please join us for this virtual event on Wednesday September 1, 2021 from 10:00am PDT – 11:00am PDT.

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Here is your opportunity to hear top technologists in the field discuss what we need to do to create SoCs that deliver results in the real world. As SoCs targeted for artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) applications come to market, the next challenge lies in deployment and practical applications. Chip makers and their customers are asking how the devices will perform under real-world conditions? What are the software requirements from the chip maker and the systems integrator? Can the devices adapt as software loads change and the devices age?

The companies who pioneered the first generation of AI and ML devices grappled with how to design fundamentally new architectures that incorporate many processing nodes and how to leverage sparse data sets to deliver results. Today’s AI and ML chips can now deal with their target workloads, but problems remain with performance and efficiency. Challenges range from managing long-tail phenomena that may not show up at first sight as bugs, to understanding interactions between on-chip hardware blocks, to optimizing hardware and software in parallel. When the sheer size and complexity of todays AI and ML devices makes it impossible to simulate or emulate every aspect of their performance before tape-out, what are the options for designers?

The panelists for this event will cover these topics and perhaps others.

The panelists include:

  • Gajinder Panesar – Fellow at Siemens Digital Industries Software
  • Rangan Sukumar – Distinguished Technologist at Hewlett Packard Enterprise
  • Dennis Abts – Chief Architect & Fellow at Groq
  • Ty Garibay – VP of Engineering at Mythic

This event is part of the AI Hardware Summit Webinar Series and is hosted by Siemens Digital Industries Software. The AI Hardware Summit runs from 13-16 September (live in Mountain View, CA and also virtual). 

Register for the webinar now.

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at