
Don’t Miss the Silicon Valley DFT Conference

Coming up soon, September 27th and 28th, is the Silicon Valley DFT and Test Conference  Aside from offering a keynote by Mentor’s own Joe Sawicki, there are 10 presentations by industry experts on the first day. The second day is an in-depth tutorial. Did I mention that both days are completely free? If you haven’t registered, do it by September 25!

The SV DFT conference is the sister conference to the successful SWDFT conference held in Austin, Texas. The focus of presentations is practical solutions to real problems in DFT and test. Plus, free lunch.

So, register now and then show up at 1 AMD Place, Sunnyvale, CA at 9am on September 27. Sign in and get some coffee before the key note address by Joe Sawicki, the VP and GM of the Design-to-Silicon division at Mentor. Sawicki is an engaging speaker and manages to capture the zeitgeist of the industry while offering blunt perspectives on the real challenges faced by DFT and test professionals.

Presentations start at 10:40 am with Xilinx and Marvel, pause for lunch, then continue in the afternoon with Mentor, SiliconAid, ARM, and Intel. After a break, there are two more sessions and a panel discussion. You may have worked up a thirst by that point, so don’t miss the networking happy hour at FaultLine brewery at 6:30pm.

Day two, on September 28, is a tutorial on IJTAG (IEEE 1687) led by Jim Johnson of SiliconAid. It runs from 10am to 3pm. IJTAG is sweeping the nation, so to speak. The short version of what IJTAG is good for is illustrated in this image:

For the long version, register for the tutorial!


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