Thought Leadership

Lead the revolution of Autonomous Vehicle Development

Siemens Autonomous Vehicle Development
Siemens Autonomous Vehicle Development

For the automotive industry, the future has already arrived and an extraordinary transformation has come with it. Since men created the first automobiles, the industry had not witnessed such a powerful revolution. A revolution that is capable of disrupting existing business models to the core. We are talking about Autonomous Vehicle Development (AVD).

What is driving the industry

The current market environment couldn’t be more challenging. New digital technologies are driving demand for smart, connected products. Further, an unprecedented increase in vehicle complexity and intensified global competition are forcing traditional Automotive Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) to explore new revolutionary approaches to vehicle development. To be successful, it is key to take a leading position in developing advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous vehicles (AVs).

With a forecast of $7T market worth by 2050, businesses need to adapt to change and rethink production processes to capture their share. We need to create these new autonomous transport solutions in a safe, reliable way, but also at the right cost. This demands big changes to the way we design manufacture and sell these vehicles.

Cars become computers on wheels

Self-driving vehicles will be smart, interconnected machines, very much like computers on wheels. At their heart, powerful embedded software, chips and electronics will be found. Because they will rely heavily on artificial intelligence, extensive testing, verification and validation will be required. This will guarantee the safety of passengers and of the surroundings as well. AV development will be highly complex, from integrated circuit design to city infrastructure and vehicle deployment, involving extensive cross-domain engineering. For companies developing autonomous vehicles, successfully tackling the complexity in these vehicles of the future is critical. They will also need to create confidence and trust their customers need to step into these vehicles and feel safe the whole time.

How Siemens can help in Autonomous Vehicle Development

As an experienced technology partner in the industry, Siemens can assist automakers in this mammoth task. We have created a video where automakers can learn about the Siemens Digital Industries Software solutions designed for AVD. To cover every domain and development process, from chip design to complex full vehicle validation, Siemens offers a full set of autonomous vehicle solutions for all key technical disciplines.

When developing these intelligent vehicles, traditional engineering processes and siloed approaches won’t suffice to tackle the increased complexity. Individual systems must be integrated within a comprehensive digital solution. This is why the AVD software solutions from Siemens enable an agile, model-based development with integrated data flows. Advanced simulation technology is a powerful necessary tool for AV validation, since a massive amount of testing is required to ensure the vehicles are safe and reliable. Hence, the Digital Twin is one of the key technologies at the heart of our AVD solutions. Instead of driving for thousands of miles, a digital twin of the AV systems on the level of the chip, electronics, vehicle, and city infrastructure can be tested using massive scenario simulation. This enables for efficient testing early in the design process to identify issues.

Check out the video on Autonomous Vehicle Development

At the end of the day, there is no other option for OEMs but to embrace a digital transformation or risk becoming obsolete.

If you want to lead the change, get ready to build the safe, reliable self-driving vehicles the world is waiting for with Siemens Autonomous Vehicle Development. Check out our video to learn more!

Autonomous Vehicle Development – Create the trust your customers need

Paul van Straten


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