Thought Leadership

eBook: Develop safe Autonomous Vehicles that protect human lives

A child crossing the street trusts that your self-driving vehicles are safe and reliable. Create the trust your customers need and develop the self-driving vehicles the world is waiting for with Siemens Autonomous Vehicle Development.
Create the trust your customers need

Autonomous vehicles (AVs) are no longer a sci-fi fantasy. Driven by market demand and new powerful digital technologies, the automotive industry is already making unstoppable progress towards the deployment of driverless automotive systems.

AV technology is causing an extraordinary transformation within the industry. Greater than any other witnessed before since the production of the first first automobiles. Consumers expect to enjoy the benefits of advanced assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous vehicles (AVs). At the same time they also demand this new technology to be safe and reliable. This means the pressure is on.

Also, with new digital technologies comes disruptive innovation. Future vehicles will be computers on wheels connected to other vehicles in the field and to city infrastructure. Customized system-on-chip devices (SoCs) will be one of the main elements in their architecture. As a result, sourcing SoCs from external suppliers will no longer be an option. These devices powered by Artificial Intelligence will become a brand differentiator in the market. Hence, automakers will need to develop autonomous vehicles from individual intelligent chips to full systems. But to do so, traditional automakers need to adapt to a radically new approach to vehicle development. They will need the right tools and technology partners to tackle the increased complexity and demand for smarter innovation.

Adaptation is critical for automakers today, especially in a challenging market environment with intense competition coming from technology players, who are also looking to grasp the opportunities of autonomous vehicle development. It is no wonder. Forecasts estimate a $7T market worth by 2050, so Automotive Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) need to take the appropriate actions and move fast to stay ahead in the race for innovation.

Developing new autonomous transport solutions—and doing so within the timeframes and cost required by the industry— demands big changes to the way the vehicles are designed, manufactured and sold. Exhaustive virtual testing will be required to guarantee safety & reliability of AVs, traditional methods won’t suffice.

At Siemens, we can help you tackle this huge transformation task. We can provide you with the right tools to deliver the safe, reliable self-driving vehicles the world is waiting for. Siemens Digital Industries Software solutions designed for Autonomous Vehicle Development (AVD) offer an integrated approach of simulation, testing, virtual validation and engineering services. Supporting a closed loop development system, all brought together in a comprehensive digital twin.

We have created a free eBook that outlines the trends and challenges that the automotive industry is facing today. It describes how automakers could benefit from the Siemens AVD solutions to take a leading position in the race for innovation. From chip design to full vehicle validation. Siemens offers a full set of autonomous vehicle solutions for all key technical disciplines.

It’s time for automakers to embrace digital transformation. They need to benefit from an agile, model-based development system with integrated data flows and software-based simulation capabilities. Instead of driving thousands of miles, they can optimize testing and validation with a digital twin of the AV systems, on the level of the chip, electronics, vehicle and city infrastructure; a powerful tool for massive scenario simulation.

Take a smarter approach to ADAS and AV development. Get ready to boost innovation and create the trust your customers need with Siemens Autonomous Vehicle Development. Join our community of experts to access the eBook for free!

Paul van Straten

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