Thought Leadership

Democratized digitalized solutions

Bringing an idea to life – like growing plants underwater – is a feat of will for a company. Determining how the product or service can be scaled to success is the greater challenge for many businesses – small and large. Making that great idea successful is the major driver towards digitalized solutions.

Digitalization augments the flexibility of small companies and start-ups, leveling the playing field between the Davids and the Goliaths of industry. Digitalization can be a valuable tool in short-circuiting the need for large development teams, filling in the knowledge and even systemic gaps that exist naturally. For example, it may be premature for a startup to have a dedicated simulation engineer on staff; however, a comprehensive digitalized solution can equip an existing member of the team with the right software tools to span the gap until the business grows. Digitalization can provide start-ups the specific workflows and environment their business needs to enable their employees to innovate.

Analyzing data from Nemo's Garden Domes with help from Siemens
Data analysis from Nemo’s Garden

In addition to bringing teams together for more flexible development, digitalization provides a path to improved automation. This crops up in many ways, from providing requirement insights to designers to streamlining the manufacturing process, allowing small teams to keep production in-house. Automation for start-ups allows individuals and teams to bridge the divide between development domains and create a better product, faster and even leaner than ever before.

A comprehensive software-as-a-service catalogue, like Siemens Xcelerator portfolio, can grow with the company – offering flexible and scalable applications that meet the everchanging needs of businesses. Implementing new technologies quickly and cost-effectively based on your business needs has never been easier.

To really bring home the metaphor, digitalization is the sling for today’s start-ups to take down the Goliaths. And big organizations understand its potency, driving them to become Digital Enterprises themselves and avoid slipping into irrelevance.

Alastair Orchard

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at