Thought Leadership

Get ready for IESF 2022 – A premier automotive conference

Siemens’ IESF Automotive Conference is approaching quickly! The event, which has been running for more than 20 years, takes place on September 14th in Plymouth, Michigan and provides an opportunity for automotive industry leaders to come together to discuss key industry trends, challenges, and solutions in the design and engineering space. The conference, which is free to attend, will feature a stable of expert speakers including Tony Hemmelgarn, the CEO of Siemens Digital Industries Software, and Larry Burns, renowned automotive business advisor and author.

Attendees can enjoy broad industry perspectives and technical knowledge on E/E systems development, including wire harness design and engineering, network design, E/E publications, and industry standards like PROSTEP, AUTOSAR, ISO26262 and KBL. With dozens of sessions, panel discussions, workshops, and more across all these topics, attendees can tailor their experience at the show to address their interests, needs, and challenges. To get an idea of what you can look forward to, I have picked out a few abstracts from the IESF 2022 agenda which you can view below!

First is a guest keynote address from Larry Burns, former GM R&D chief, author, and consultant:

Guest Keynote: Automobility and Beyond

For more than a century, car companies presumed automobiles would be driven by people, powered by combustion engines and owned primarily by individuals. These presumptions have now been disrupted by a stunning convergence of new technology and innovative business models.

Today, autonomous electric vehicles deployed in transportation services are ushering-in the “age of automobility” and promising more people greater freedom in how they move around and how they live.

This presentation assesses the status of “automobility”, its likely pathway to maturity, and how it fits within the broader “digital age” reshaping our lives.   It also highlights how to position for this inevitable transformation.

Next, Piyush Karkare, Global Director of Automotive Industry Solutions will give a talk on model-based systems engineering (MBSE) in the automotive industry:

Holistic Model-based Systems Engineering approach for automotive complexity

The automotive industry has begun to realize disruption in today’s market is not about reinventing automobiles, it’s about reinventing personal independence. This has initiated a new transportation revolution that is driving autonomous vehicle development, vehicle electrification, and connected smart mobility. Automakers today are feeling increased competitive pressures while the vehicle systems are growing beyond the traditional vehicle boundary into system of systems including human experiences, the infrastructure around the vehicles, and integrations with other businesses. We will take a look at how Siemens can help automakers leverage software-driven, feature-centric development with a holistic systems engineering approach leveraging model-based data flows to define, refine, and rapidly optimize products.

Finally, I’d like to highlight a session being held by John Gonzaga, Vehicle Communications Network Architect at General Motors:

AUTOSAR – Software Defined Vehicle and third party collaboration

New electronics for the last decade have the capability to update its firmware to be able to provide new features that are driven by software. Software Defined Vehicle (SDV) is now a necessity that OEMs must deploy to satisfy consumer needs after purchase of a vehicle. AUTOSAR is the de facto software platform that runs in most Electronic Control Units (ECU) deployed in vehicles for the past several years. AUTOSAR provides the Classic Platform running on an RTOS and Adaptive Platform that is targeted for dynamic and POSIX-based OS like Linux. As a standards body, AUTOSAR is looking to collaborate on how to make the AUTOSAR software platforms work with other standards.

Make sure to register for this free event here, where you can also view the full agenda and save the sessions you are interested in attending on September 14th!

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at