Thought Leadership

We won a Killer Content Award!

By ToniB

The digital twin is a major part of nearly every conversation we have with you on the Thought Leadership blog. We focus so much attention on the digital twin and the digital thread for a simple but important reason: they will become a crucial part of your future business, and you need to know how to implement them throughout your processes so you can ensure your long-term success in increasingly unstable, constantly changing markets.

Others are taking notice of the work our company and this initiative have put in to educating businesses about the value of the digital twin. While I was attending the B2B Marketing Exchange in Scottsdale, Arizona last week, I accepted a Killer Content Award on behalf of the whole team for our work on the Thought Leadership blog and throughout the Community about the digital twin. We won a “Finny” in the Short-Form Content category – and it’s even shaped like a shark fin!

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The Killer Content Awards team explained why we won this special award:

“To help customers and prospects gain an edge over the competition, Siemens PLM Software believes market leaders need a digital twin and digital thread implemented in their business. Digital twins help virtually predict what will physically happen, and the digital thread can reveal why.

This was the focus of the Siemens PLM Software Thought Leadership initiative, which is a series of blog posts highlighting the most common questions buyers have early in their digital twin journey. This includes defining the digital twin, the business value of the digital twin and digital thread, and how and why the digital twin and digital thread are changing market conditions.

The articles have 3,800 page views, and Siemens PLM Software holds the number-two ranking on Google for ‘value of the digital twin’ and the number-14 ranking on Google for ‘digital twin technology.’”

(Our page views for this content have increased exponentially since we were nominated and now total over 15,000 page views.)

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This Killer Content Award is the result of countless work hours by numerous people to create this digital twin content, and I’m so proud to have led this effort. I took great care in interviewing experts throughout our company to get their great ideas into this digital twin content for our customers, and edited, published and promoted everything to ensure our customers could find it and engage with us.

This award is truly the result of a team effort. I can say, with absolute certainty, our company wouldn’t have received this recognition had it not been for the constant support and collaboration between the Thought Leadership team, our colleagues and our executives.

Thank you, everyone, for your continued support. I look forward to seeing what else we’ll accomplish together!

Learn more about our “Finny” win here, and visit the Killer Content Awards site to read more about this year’s winning content.

About the author
Toni Boger is the editor-in-chief of Digital Transformations, the Thought Leadership blog for Siemens PLM Software. As the content strategist for the Siemens PLM Thought Leadership program, she oversees the content creation, management, publication and promotion for all content in the program. She graduated from Saginaw Valley State University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication and English. Prior to joining Siemens, Toni worked as an associate site editor for TechTarget, a technology media company. 

Antonette Boger

Toni Boger is the editor-in-chief of Digital Transformations, the Thought Leadership blog for Siemens PLM Software. As the content strategist for the Siemens PLM Thought Leadership program, she oversees the content creation, management, publication and promotion for all content in the program. She graduated from Saginaw Valley State University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in communication and English. Prior to joining Siemens, Toni worked as an associate site editor for TechTarget, a technology media company.

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at