Thought Leadership

Siemens announces a new partnership with EAA – benefiting the future of young aviation enthusiasts everywhere

The aerospace and defense industry is in a period of rapid transformation. A period we haven’t seen in many decades, a period of unprecedented innovation.

Urban air mobility companies are creating autonomous vehicles with electric propulsion to deliver people and packages in an efficient, safe and quiet manner. Commercial aircraft manufactures are combining digital twin technology with AI and Machine Learning in automation to produce aircraft at ever-increasing rates. Defense companies are developing the most advanced aircraft and vehicles in the world by leveraging new materials, 3D printing techniques and advanced software to deliver new capabilities faster than ever.

And let’s not forget space exploration and space tourism, especially these past few weeks with memorable, ground-breaking missions into space. The fact is digitalization and the advances in software and engineering are creating an entirely new group of start-ups and visionaries who dare to dream big, who want to change the world by transforming the way we travel, how we travel – all while reducing the carbon footprint.

A bright future – still with challenges

The future of aviation looks bright, but not without challenges.

One of the challenges that rarely gets attention is attracting new talent to the industry. With so much innovation, it’s critical to attract a young workforce with the necessary digital skills and competencies to help teams and companies succeed in their future endeavors. It’s incumbent upon us to find and inspire the next generation of pilots, engineers and technicians

With that in mind, Siemens is proud to announce its partnership with the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA). For those of you not familiar with EAA, this is a community of engaged aeronautical enthusiasts who look to grow interest in aviation through participation and education, to engage members in all kinds of informational and educational activities.

EAA and Siemens launch a new joint initiative

To grow youth engagement and education within the industry, EAA and Siemens have joined forces. Siemens is now the official technology partner of EAA for education in aviation and aerospace. Through this partnership, the Siemens Academic Program will be instrumental in helping EAA create clear career pathways for our youth as they enter the world of engineering.

“This new joint effort takes Siemens’ outstanding engineering education programs and brings them to a new audience of young people who are inspired through aviation.”

Jack J. Pelton
EAA CEO and Chairman of the Board

If you’d like more detailed information, please read the EAA press release.

This joint effort strengthens both companies’ aviation education programs. AeroEducate brings an interactive, educational and engaging experience to young people ages 5 to 18 years old. It offers clear, age-appropriate pathways to aviation and aerospace engagement, and even lays out career paths for interested individuals.

More information on the Experimental Aircraft Association can be found here.

What the industry needs today

The next generation of the A&D workforce will be extremely tech-savvy. They’ve been raised in an environment of iPhones where technology is second nature. The tools and software they’ll need in order to flourish in this industry must be user-friendly and highly intuitive. I’m pleased to say Siemens has stayed ahead of the times when it comes to this kind of software. In fact, as just one example, we offer immersive 3D software environments with high-end rendering that allows users to conduct design reviews and explore design alternatives in a virtual reality-based environment. Really cool stuff.

It’s paramount that we bring the power and potential of digitalization to our young learners. Through Siemens software and programs like AeroEducate, we can better prepare the youth of today with the skills and aptitude needed to ensure our future workforce is productive, vibrant and forever growing with tomorrow’s dreams and ambitions.

The thought of this young talent waiting in the wings should bring great joy to us all.

“Siemens is proud to partner with EAA, a great organization that recognizes the importance of engaging students in STEM, to empower the next generation of aerospace talent.”

Dale Tutt
VP of Aerospace and Defense
Siemens Digital Industries Software

Scott Salzwedel is a senior technical writer and corporate communications writer involved in the Siemens Aerospace & Defense Industry and Siemens Capital. Scott is also the writer/host of the Siemens podcast Talking Aerospace Today.

Scott Salzwedel

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