Thought Leadership

The digital twin and new dimensions in logistics

A digital twin represents a digital representation of an actual physical product, system, or process that acts as an operative digital counterpart of real-world purposes, such as simulation, integration, testing, monitoring and maintenance. 

A recent white paper describes how the digital twin allows intelligent simulation experts and consulting models that provide scenarios for an end-to-end supply chain, providing results based on real data. Therefore, it asks what impact a site relocation would have on current procurement and distribution processes. Or extending product assortment and resultative delivery frequency? And, what is the best scenario to use existing resources?

>Read the Digital Twin white paper.

A digital twin lets you explain the cause and effect of supply chain events precisely due to being a virtual copy of the actual network and processes, thus connecting the operational level with the strategic decision level. This allows users to make strategic decisions clearly with quality of resolution.

The digital twin is an essential companion in product development, machine and plant operations, and process optimization. The reason is that it provides:

  • An exact copy of the physical world.
  • Simulating an object or process’ behavior in various conditions.
  • Providing the risks of a breakdown and remedies for changing settings to reduce operating costs.

Companies can use a digital twin to analyze and control jet engines, wind turbines, combined heat and power stations, or logistics networks to improve the usage potentials and functions of plants and processes in various stages of development during ongoing operations.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is ideal for a digital twin. A digital twin has a comprehensive database for optimizing objects or processes, combined with plant and machine data variations. In turn, this provides experimental values about a product’s life or maintenance cycles – providing more value for networking in IoT.

A digital twin is an essential element to the crucial building block of digitalization in logistics, as they intensify with better utilization, concept planning and reliable goal attainment. 

Learn about the new dimensions in logistics with the digital twin.

Siemens Xcelerator, the comprehensive and integrated portfolio of software and services from Siemens Digital Industries Software, helps companies of all sizes create and leverage a comprehensive digital twin that provides organizations with new insights, opportunities and levels of automation to drive innovation.

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Blake Snodgrass

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