Thought Leadership

How can electric car technology challenges be resolved?

By ToniB

There are numerous, significant electric car technology challenges companies face when designing and manufacturing the electric vehicle components. Battery design, full validation and software implementation are just some of the hurdles OEMs and start-ups will encounter when trying to bring the vehicles to market.

We recently spoke with Dave Lauzun, vice president of transportation and automotive at Siemens PLM Software, about the capabilities companies will need in finding the most efficient technological route to bring electric vehicles to consumers.

As vehicles become increasingly electrified, electric car makers need to consult with innovative organizations that understand connectivity between the real world and the virtual world. Connecting the dots in the process quicker, and with greater efficiency, will help get automakers through design, prototyping, simulation and product release faster.

In this video, Dave discusses the experience, capabilities and tools Siemens can provide through every step in producing electric car technology.

Check out our other video in this series on consumer anxiety about electric vehicle range, and stay tuned for other videos from our conversation with Dave. 

About the author
Toni Boger is the editor-in-chief of Digital Transformations, the Thought Leadership blog for Siemens PLM Software. As the content strategist for the Siemens PLM Thought Leadership program, she oversees the content creation, management, publication and promotion for all content in the program. She graduated from Saginaw Valley State University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication and English. Prior to joining Siemens, Toni worked as an associate site editor for TechTarget, a technology media company.

Antonette Boger

Toni Boger is the editor-in-chief of Digital Transformations, the Thought Leadership blog for Siemens PLM Software. As the content strategist for the Siemens PLM Thought Leadership program, she oversees the content creation, management, publication and promotion for all content in the program. She graduated from Saginaw Valley State University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in communication and English. Prior to joining Siemens, Toni worked as an associate site editor for TechTarget, a technology media company.

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