Looking back on 2023 – A writer’s perspective pt. 2

Leveling up from the more specific discussion from part 1 about the near-term challenges facing automotive and transportation companies, we…

Looking back on 2023 – A writer’s perspective pt. 1

The Thought Leadership Team of writers at Siemens Digital Industries Software is often on the lookout for new types of…

The power of simulation to AV design and development: Building reliable ADAS and AV systems part 1 – Transcript

In this episode of the Future Car Podcast, Nand Kochhar, VP of Automotive and Transportation Industries, and I, Conor Peick,…

Autonomous car sensors help keep drivers safe

The path to fully autonomous cars

The automotive industry can boast a long history of technological innovation, headlined recently by electric and autonomous vehicles (EV/AV). EVs…

Powering off-highway vehicles through electrification

Modern priorities, such as sustainability and clean transportation are steering automotive companies away from fossil-fueled vehicles and toward an electrified…

smart machines

Digital transformation: How to start and how cloud can help

Companies in all industries are facing a future of tougher competition, exacting product requirements, growing complexity, and an increasingly central…

How the digital twin and collaboration can help in the pursuit of sustainability

As the global focus on the environment intensifies, entire industries are recognizing the importance of adopting a future-forward mindset. In…

The power of simulation to AV design and development-Summary

The power of simulation to AV design and development-Summary

As the automotive industry moves into the future, companies are faced with the challenge of convenience, and connectivity. The advent…

The Digital Enterprise: How unlocking your data accelerates digitalization

In today’s industrial landscape companies of all sizes and from all markets are learning to operate in an era characterized…