Episode 2: Understanding training vs inferencing and AI in industry – the transcript

Previously, I summarized Episode 2: Understanding training vs inferencing and AI in industry, where our experts Ellie Burns and Mike…

Episode 2: Understanding training vs inferencing and AI in industry

In Episode 2 of our AI podcast series (Episode 1 overview here), Ellie Burns and Mike Fingeroff got together to…

AI-driven factories of the future: the transcript

Previously, I summarized a podcast about AI-driven factories of the future, where our expert Dr. Stefan Jockusch discussed his future-forward…

Is AI going to the dogs?

I have noticed an uptick in articles about the pandemic inspiring people to offer their loving homes to adopted pets….

Exploring AI and machine learning: the transcript

Previously, I summarized Episode 1: Exploring AI and machine learning, where our experts Ellie Burns and Mike Fingeroff discussed why…

AI-driven factories of the future

A couple of years ago, I toured the Ford Rouge Complex in Michigan, where the F-150 trucks are assembled. From…

Artificial Intelligence goes to sleep

While attending an online AI class from MIT, my ears perked up when the discussion turned to how AI algorithms…

Exploring artificial intelligence and machine learning

”It’s really exciting for me, as long as I’ve been in this high-tech industry, to see such rapid evolution of…

Practical machine learning for chip designers

Designers that spend their days creating new electronic chips push descriptions of their design through an elaborate flow of over 20 tools in order to get a verified product fabricated. Along the way…