Accelerate innovation with next generation design to keep the showroom fresh

A new era of transportation is here. Technologies such as advanced driver-assistance systems, autonomation, and electrification are taking the industry…

Accelerate innovation to unleash next generation designs

We have entered an era of unprecedented change in the automotive industry. Technology megatrends are gathering pace, driving to accelerate…

Accelerate product development and drive innovation

The latest automotive revolution is underway. As electrification, advanced driver-assistance systems and full automation take off carmakers are scrambling to…

Get on the road to full automation with a digital transformation.

It is estimated that the autonomous vehicle (AV) market will be worth a staggering $7 trillion dollars by 2050. These…

Develop the autonomous technology of the future

Disruptive innovations in the automotive industry continue to increase. The focus is now on overcoming the challenges that autonomous vehicle…

Autonomous Vehicle innovation, be armed with the right tools

As shifting customer demand and disruptive innovations continue to increase, advanced assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous vehicle innovation are becoming…

Accelerated Product Development through digitalization

We are living in an age of disruptive innovation with new technologies changing the entire landscape of the industries. Especially…

autonomous vehicle

Autonomous vehicle technology is becoming a reality

A revolution is taking place in the automotive industry. Autonomous vehicle technology is on the rise and the race to…

eBook: Develop safe Autonomous Vehicles that protect human lives

eBook: Develop safe Autonomous Vehicles that protect human lives

Download the eBook that outlines the trends and challenges that the automotive industry is facing today to develop autonomous vehicles