How machine learning plays a vital role in IC verification

Microchips are among the most complex devices ever created by humans, with billions upon billions of transistors crammed into a…

The Role of Machine Learning in IC Verification – Transcript

In a recent podcast, I spoke to an expert from Siemens EDA about how machine learning is a vital component…

How generative AI enhances the PLM process

AI in manufacturing   In the increasingly fast-paced digital world of today many industries are finding that traditional methods simply…

Chasing the black swan: How AI can predict random events

When it comes to predictions, AI reigns supreme. Whether it is collating millions of data points to accurately predict global…

Accelerating the AI chip design process

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a key technology in both the hardware and software world, enabling new approaches to existing problems…

Designing the next generation of AI chips Part 2 – Transcript

I recently had the opportunity to speak with Russell Klein, program director at Siemens EDA and a member of the…

Designing the next generation of power efficient AI chips part 1

Artificial intelligence is continuing to take an increasingly important role in new software and technology each year. However, even as…

Designing the next generation of AI chips part 1

I recently had the opportunity to speak with Russell Klein, program director at Siemens EDA and a member of the…

AI and the future of coding

Over the last few months, the internet has been abuzz with talk of OpenAIs ChatGPT, a chatbot based the GPT-3…