The possibilities of AI: an overview of AI in the workplace

Artificial intelligence is a bit like a car. If you don’t fill up the tank, it’s not going to go anywhere. Artificial intelligence is fueled by data; therefore, it needs to be fed a consistent amount…

Artificial intelligence development is changing how industry works

Many industries are going to benefit from artificial intelligence development. It’s hard to say which ones in the long term will find the highest level of success, but we can already see significant …

Is design space exploration part of your innovation strategy?

The International Maritime Organization mandate to shipbuilders is to drastically reduce emissions from their current level of 938 million tons of CO 2 over the next few decades. Marine industry com…

The 3 trends that are challenging heavy equipment manufacturers

Heavy equipment manufacturers face no shortage of challenges. Everything from more stringent noise regulations to the need for localized customization, manufacturers are scrambling to keep up with ev…

System simulation: complete insight to optimize smart products’ performance

Why is system simulation so critical for aerospace and automotive manufacturers?

With more stringent regulations and shortened development time, OEMs and suppliers tasked with offering mor…

How is thermal simulation software keeping products and people cool?

In our previous blog, Thermal simulation helps Maya HTT keep things cool, we discussed how Maya HTT demonstrated the accuracy and efficiency of their thermal simulation software by creating an intrig…

Thermal simulation helps Maya HTT keep things cool

Maya HTT created a unique contest involving thermal simulation at their exhibition booth recently at Realize LIVE 2019. With the goal of demonstrating the accuracy and efficiency of their thermal sim…

How the uses of artificial intelligence impacts businesses

The uses of artificial intelligence are still in their infancy as the majority of early artificial intelligence adopters are trying to sell us more and more things. Advertisements are geared toward y…

Three industries creatively using additive manufacturing machines

Additive manufacturing machines, also known as 3D printing machines, are famous for their abilities to design parts for machines, vehicles, medical devices and more.
However, there are other crea…