Podcast series: Smart manufacturing (Part 2) – leveraging the digital twin

Machine manufacturers are leveraging the digital twin to make their manufacturing smarter.

smart manufacturing

Podcast series: Smart manufacturing (Part 1) – industrial-machinery

(Listen to the podcast, above.) The landscape of industrial machinery in manufacturing is seeing an innovative surge of technological advancements based on smart manufacturing. This is in response…

System simulation: complete insight to optimize smart products’ performance

Why is system simulation so critical for aerospace and automotive manufacturers?

With more stringent regulations and shortened development time, OEMs and suppliers tasked with offering mor…

Generative design for autonomous vehicles

Companies pursuing autonomous vehicle programs face a steep technological ramp that is rife with compelling technological challenges. Advanced sensor technology, high-speed and high-bandwidth data ne…

Increasing innovation in engineering education

(Listen to the podcast above)
When you think of academics, it should not be limited to the classroom.

The idea of self-teaching via online learning, mentoring or even mass customizat…

Harnessing the advantages of additive manufacturing

Is your company ready for industrial-scale additive manufacturing?

Manufacturers speak of prototyping and 3D printing, but industrial-scale additive manufacturing, or ISAM, goes one step f…

Additive manufacturing process: a modern factory in Sweden

What can’t you print? A valid question in the world of 3D technology where 3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, can output almost anything via digital simulation, including cars.

The subtle shift to “why not cloud?”

Why use the cloud?
Traditionally, manufacturers asked us why they should consider using engineering software on the cloud. They were comfortable with software on their desktops or on their…

Getting an early start on a STEM career

By: Del Costy, senior vice president and managing director, Americas

Household chores helped me realize I should be an engineer. Yes, really. I took a school survey, and my results indicat…