A man at a computer using a software tool to design an engine.

A Forward Look on AI in A&D Part One – Summary

The rapid rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has become undeniable. What was a peripheral technology just a few years ago…

Airplane flying over skyscrapers in a city.

A Forward Look on AI in A&D Part One – Transcript

In this episode of Talking Aerospace Today, Todd Tuthill is joined by Barclay Brown, Associate Director for AI research for…

A satellite split in half between a digital version to the left and a real version above Earth to its right.

Reaching Closed-Loop Optimization Part Two – Summary – Talking Aerospace Today

The aerospace and defense industry (A&D) has been on the path toward digitalization for a long time, and has made…

A spacecraft with solar panels extended orbiting above an Earth lit by city lights.

Reaching Closed-Loop Optimization Part Two – Transcript – Talking Aerospace Today

In this episode of Talking Aerospace Today, Todd Tuthill and Thierry Olbrechts continue their conversation from last time on closed-loop…

A split image of a Falcon rocket between its digital twin on the left and the actual rocket on the right.

Reaching Closed-Loop Optimization Part One – Summary – Talking Aerospace Today

Since July of last year, the Talking Aerospace Today podcast has been focused on the five stages of digital transformation…

Spacecraft flying over Earth, above storm clouds.

Reaching Closed-Loop Optimization Part One – Transcript – Talking Aerospace Today

In this episode of Talking Aerospace Today, Todd Tuthill is joined by Thierry Olbrechts to introduce the final stage of…

Airplane docked at an airport.

The Mechanical Side of Generative Design Part Two – Summary – Talking Aerospace Today

Generative design has long been a goal for those in the mechanical engineering domain, originating from efforts to optimize topology…

An airplane turbine on a runway.

The Mechanical Side of Generative Design Part Two – Transcript – Talking Aerospace Today

In this episode, Todd Tuthill and John O’Connor continue their conversation from the previous episode on generative design for mechanical…

Airplane wings under construction inside a factory.

The Mechanical Side of Generative Design Part One – Summary – Talking Aerospace Today

As discussed in previous episodes of Talking Aerospace Today, generative design, the process of automatically generating design artifacts based on…