IT/OT convergence: Balancing agility and reliability

Information Technology (IT) and Operational Technology (OT) have long played pivotal roles in organizations, yet their functions and focuses have…

Sustainability is Driving All Industries – Transcript

Hi there, I am Conor Peick, a writer on the thought leadership team at Siemens Digital Industries Software. In this…

Sustainability in action: Why companies are prioritizing a greener future

The deadlines for many climate action goals are fast approaching. 2030 and 2040 no longer seem as far away as…

Unfinished Siemens Energy Gas Turbine

Manufacturing a better energy industry with additive

If you had a chance to listen in to episode six of this season of the Siemens Additive Manufacturing (AM)…

A 3D printed gas turbine part being held.

Additive manufacturing is revolutionizing energy

For many years, the energy industry has been slow to adopt additive manufacturing (AM), being a new and unused technology….

Wind turbines on a hill top for energy generation

3D printing for energy applications

Ashley Eckhoff is back with another interview on what is happening with additive manufacturing (AM) technologies in different industries around…

3D printing for nuclear energy

With the relatively low coverage on the nuclear energy industry, many likely sit in two camps – either nothing has…

Engineer inspecting gas turbine blades for AM repair

Don’t replace it, repair it with AM

Many products around the world contain wearing parts that traditionally needed to be replaced on a continual basis to retain…

How Virtual Reality is Making Mobility Accessible for Everyone: Podcast Script

The promise of technology is to make life easier for everyone. In order to achieve that, designers have to understand…