Podcast Transcript – Efficiency and Sustainability Benefits of Digitalization

In the last episode of the Digital Powers Flexible podcast, our experts examined the struggle to adapt the consumer product…

Transitioning to the digital enterprise? Don’t forget some nice threads.

In my last blog I talked about major disruptions in the industry and how digitalization is the key to not…

Why fulfilling airworthiness requirements means going digital

By: Dave Chan and John Cunneen 

Any organization that must consistently prove airworthiness requirements can relate to the frustrating tasks of locating and providing proof their prod…

Building the heavy equipment machines of the future

How to design and build tomorrow’s heavy equipment with today’s software

What digital tools can make supporting airworthiness easier?

By: David Chan and John Cunneen 

As airworthiness certification increases in complexity and more laws and regulations create a greater need to adopt a digital program management strat…

Building the future of Aerospace Part I

Yesterday’s tools and approaches cannot be used to build tomorrow’s products.

What will it take to build the heavy equipment machines of the future?

Using today’s software to create tomorrow’s heavy equipment

Engineer analyzing test data

Perfecting the driving experience

Transportation is a part of daily life for most, but its definition is beginning to change. Electrification, advanced driver assistance…

Building the future of Aerospace Part II

The digital twin in the aerospace industry goes beyond product design