The biggest autonomous car software challenges

The automotive industry is trying to figure out how software and hardware will work together in autonomous cars, and they’re looking to companies with experience in electronic design automation to ma…

The future of flight has already taken off

A confluence of new technologies is transforming the aerospace industry. The trends they’re driving herald the prospect of space tourism, unmanned delivery drones and new aircraft designs, along with…

Three Ways Manufacturing Can Fix Its People Problem

By: Josh Ray and Alex Allison

Every October, thousands of U.S. manufacturers open their doors for Manufacturing Day, hosting tours and demonstrations in hopes of sparking interest in manuf…

The quest to develop successful autonomous car software

How will hardware and software work together in autonomous cars? The automotive industry is trying to answer that very question, and they’re relying on companies with experience in electronic design …

Taking engineering education and training to the next level

Throughout this series, we have identified the validity of the skills gap and its implications across industries. We know that a higher number of companies need of work-ready talent. We also know tha…

Why you need a digital strategy for future manufacturing

The world of manufacturing continues to evolve as it becomes increasingly global and digital. Many manufacturing companies are struggling to make the transition to digital manufacturing. But the comp…

How will autonomous cars look as they hit the road?

As the editor-in-chief for the Siemens PLM Thought Leadership blog, I enjoy learning about the work my colleagues do and the conversations they’re having in their respective industries.

I …

Manufacturers: get ready for the algorithms

The latest biological research suggests that all animal life on Earth is best described as meat-based algorithms. From the fruit fly to the killer whale, animal behavior is the result of survival log…

Engineering our way out of the skills gap

A few years ago when I took on my current role, one of our industry analysts asked me if there really was a skills gap. He had seen conflicting reports.
Even recently, MIT’s Technology R…