Altera Stratix IV

Component Assembly Risk Assessment tool in Valor NPI 2403

With a Manufacturing Driven Design, Valor NPI brings specialized component assembly knowledge into and throughout the entire NPI lifecycle. This allows designers and NPI engineers to have immediate and direct access to the knowledge of their specialists throughout the design flow, allowing individual and intelligent DFM reviews to happen at any all points of the process.

What's new in z-planner 2024.1

What’s new in Z-planner Enterprise V2024.1 – stackup design wizard, impedance, compare stackups, DFSI

What’s new in version 2024.1 of Z-planner Enterprise including information on the enhanced stackup design wizard, impedance tab, compare stackups, improved import/export, DFSI and more

Solder strength testing and validation

Strengthening PCB Solder Connections

To increasing the overall solder strength within a PCB design, designers should be focusing on two distinct but related factors: The material composition of the solder, and the pad and footprint layouts for individual components. The composition of the solder itself will depend upon the application of the board, the components, construction method and materials within the board, and the overall final board quality. The overall footprint of the component will be dependent upon the components within a BOM and the recommended assembly guidelines of your assemblers. Both of these factors rely on discussions and interactions with your assembly house and leaving these discussions until after the design has been released ultimately limits your assembly options.

Exploring Manufacturing Driven Design for automated DFM

Manufacturing Driven Design leverages the intelligence within your PCB Design

Intelligent Process-Driven DFM Analysis for PCB Designers Recent component shortages and distribution disruptions have exposed both the fragility of global…

Rigid-Flex Material Considerations

Flex and rigid-flex designs refer to a PCB that is partially or entirely constructed using flexible rather than exclusively rigid…

PCB Material Selection

6 material properties that can save you money when designing your PCB stackup

Introduction Stackup decisions are critical to every PCB and electronic product, but they don’t always get the attention that they…

PCB trade show electronica

Valor NPI at Electronica 2022

Valor NPI is pleased to be showcased at this year’s Electronica show from November 15th-18th in München, Germany. Located in…

PCB manufacturing capabilities

Why is Design for Manufacturing important?

Who is PCB DFM for? For those of us that have climbed a mountain to take in the gaze of…

PCB material selection

Choosing the right laminate for your PCB design

A balanced approach to material selection involves understanding and considering more than just electrical parameters. In general, with dielectric materials, every parameter that improves performance comes at a marginal increase in cost. Because of this, ensuring that you don’t overdesign within your materials is quite important.