Exploring Manufacturing Driven Design for automated DFM

Manufacturing Driven Design leverages the intelligence within your PCB Design

Intelligent Process-Driven DFM Analysis for PCB Designers Recent component shortages and distribution disruptions have exposed both the fragility of global…

thin PCB design

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a thinner PCB?

Design for manufacturing (DFM) is an essential aspect of the new product introduction (NPI) process, and PCB design is a…

pick and place machine on PCB SMT line

How to Optimize PCB Design for the SMT Assembly Process Flow

PCB (Printed Circuit Board) design layout optimization is critical for the success of SMT (Surface Mount Technology) assembly. SMT assembly involves placing surface mount components directly onto the surface of the PCB, as opposed to through-hole components, which require holes to be drilled through the PCB. SMT assembly is faster, more precise, and more cost-effective than through-hole assembly, but it requires careful design optimization to ensure a successful assembly process.

Migrating from Gerber to ODB++ CAM Compare

Gerber files have long been the industry standard for PCB design and manufacturing data. However, with the increasing complexity of modern designs, Gerber files have become less effective in conveying all the necessary data required for manufacturing. ODB++ is a newer format that was developed specifically to address the shortcomings of Gerber files. ODB++ is a comprehensive format that includes all the necessary data for manufacturing, including component placement, drill files, and manufacturing details such as the thickness of the PCB and the type of solder mask just to mention a few.

AOI image

Manufacturing Driven Design – Taking DFM to the Next Level

Manufacturing Driven Design (MDD) is an evolutionary approach to DFM. It enables the effortless exchange of manufacturing process constraints so that an OEM can assess the manufacturability of a design in perfect alignment with their supplier

What is DFM and DFA?

DFM and DFA are relevant to almost any product be it assembling bicycles where primarily the product is mechanical components to electronic devices such as cell phones, routers, and computers which require both mechanical and electrical components. The primary focus of this blog will be PCB Design through PCB Fabrication and PCB Assembly within the electronic realm and how it relates to DFM and DFA.

What’s New in Valor NPI 2305

Valor NPI has recently been updated with version 2305. Included within are many of the revisions and feature updates for this latest version of the software

new features for stackup planning

What’s New in Z-planner V2023.1

Z-planner V2023.1 builds on previous versions by enhancing rigid/flex useability, tighter integration with Xpedition and HyperLynx and the addition of more Mil-Aero materials to the dielectric materials library.

PCB Material Selection

6 material properties that can save you money when designing your PCB stackup

Introduction Stackup decisions are critical to every PCB and electronic product, but they don’t always get the attention that they…