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Valor Part Library PCB footprint

Valor Parts Library: What You Need to Know

Validating the PCB footprint with a comprehensive component library Are you familiar with the Valor Parts Library? Whether you are…

PCB stackup planning

How do you do PCB Stackup Planning?

Being able to quickly qualify materials based on your known electrical tolerances, and not upon the materials availability of your selected fabricator is key for efficient stackup design. This allows you to optimize the design around the available materials and take complete control of your stackup.

flexible PCB

Flex & rigid-flex PCB DFM: Learn from the expert

Flex and rigid-flex circuits use unique materials in the manufacturing process and must be handled differently than FR4 PCBs.

custom scripting for Valor NPI

Creating Custom Automation in Valor NPI Using Scripting Languages

The most modern language supported and delivered with Valor NPI is Python. If Perl is your language of choice then an additional module needs to be acquired through Active State. When all else fails there is the legacy C-Shell that is also included with Valor NPI.

PCB design panelization

The last step in PCB design needs more attention

We put a lot of attention on the first step of a process and then it seems we fall behind schedule. By the time you get to the last step of a process you are out of time and just need to wrap things up. How often are you pressed by management to get a PCB design out the door and sent to the fab house?

Valor Parts Library

Valor Parts Library: What You Need to Know

Are you familiar with the Valor Parts Library? Whether you are experienced with VPL or this is your first exposure,…

PCB stackup

On-demand webinar: PCB Stackup Planning

See how material choices can make or break your design, and how to compare materials not just for the technical match, but for selecting the best material at the best value. You will also learn how today’s (and tomorrow’s) high speed circuits have brought new considerations into stackup design such as copper surface roughness and glass-weave skew.