Altera Stratix IV

Component Assembly Risk Assessment tool in Valor NPI 2403

With a Manufacturing Driven Design, Valor NPI brings specialized component assembly knowledge into and throughout the entire NPI lifecycle. This allows designers and NPI engineers to have immediate and direct access to the knowledge of their specialists throughout the design flow, allowing individual and intelligent DFM reviews to happen at any all points of the process.

Are you normal?

Siemens recently commissioned a survey through Aberdeen Research looking at the state of the Printed Circuit Board (PCB) industry within North America and Europe to learn about the challenges the PCB industry sees. It covered the technologies they are implementing, the general timelines they are given, and to learn how Design for Manufacturing (DFM) strategies and software are being leveraged to help meet a company’s overall goals

Exploring Manufacturing Driven Design for automated DFM

Manufacturing Driven Design leverages the intelligence within your PCB Design

Intelligent Process-Driven DFM Analysis for PCB Designers Recent component shortages and distribution disruptions have exposed both the fragility of global…

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Manufacturing Driven Design – Taking DFM to the Next Level

Manufacturing Driven Design (MDD) is an evolutionary approach to DFM. It enables the effortless exchange of manufacturing process constraints so that an OEM can assess the manufacturability of a design in perfect alignment with their supplier

Making Parts Part of Manufacturing Driven Design

When it comes to PCB assembly level MDD, many designers have not concerned themselves with the component manufacturing Bill of Material (BOM). Designers work from a CAD library that has component libraries associated with internal part numbers (IPN) their company uses. The CAD Design Rule Checking software uses those CAD library shapes for its analysis and even, in some cases, the avoidance of where components are placed. There is nothing wrong conceptually with this mentality. However, like all things, the details matter.