PCB DFM fabrication

4 things a PCB librarian needs to know about PCB fabrication

a PCB librarian also needs to understand how the PCB is going to be built by a PCB fabrication factory. The PCB fabrication process involves dozens of steps, which can often be more complicated than the PCB assembly process.

Manufacturing Supply chain within the digital factory enables PCB DFM

Manufacturing supply chain resilience

PCB Components and the flexibility of manufacturing supply chain resilience involves alternate parts form an important part of Design for Manufacturing (DFM) within the industry. Leveraging a digital twin allows …

Are you normal?

Siemens recently commissioned a survey through Aberdeen Research looking at the state of the Printed Circuit Board (PCB) industry within North America and Europe to learn about the challenges the PCB industry sees. It covered the technologies they are implementing, the general timelines they are given, and to learn how Design for Manufacturing (DFM) strategies and software are being leveraged to help meet a company’s overall goals

PCB manufacturing image

What’s New in Valor NPI 2311

Each new Valor NPI release brings exciting features and improvements, and Valor NPI version 2311 is no different. One of the most prominent recent changes for release 2311 is the 3D board viewer. This allows users to toggle between the typical 2-D board view, and a 3-D board view. While less visually prominent, the addition of high-risk component detection is no less impactful among the overall improvements. The Valor Parts Library now associates individual components with a manufacturing risk value. This allows you to consider at-a-glance relative yield values based on component choices. Valor NPI version 2311 also facilitates the placement of XD components in a zigzag array.

Solder strength testing and validation

Strengthening PCB Solder Connections

To increasing the overall solder strength within a PCB design, designers should be focusing on two distinct but related factors: The material composition of the solder, and the pad and footprint layouts for individual components. The composition of the solder itself will depend upon the application of the board, the components, construction method and materials within the board, and the overall final board quality. The overall footprint of the component will be dependent upon the components within a BOM and the recommended assembly guidelines of your assemblers. Both of these factors rely on discussions and interactions with your assembly house and leaving these discussions until after the design has been released ultimately limits your assembly options.

Exploring Manufacturing Driven Design for automated DFM

Manufacturing Driven Design leverages the intelligence within your PCB Design

Intelligent Process-Driven DFM Analysis for PCB Designers Recent component shortages and distribution disruptions have exposed both the fragility of global…

PCB Design and Stencil

Stencil design considerations during library cell design

Library cell design seems to be an easy part of the entire design process, but in reality, it can be a complicated part of this process, as it involves many different aspects to consider. It should not only comply with the electrical needs, but also needs to meet manufacturing requirements. Solder paste printing is one of the manufacturing processes that may need considerations during your library cell creation. To be more straightforward, the stencil design is something need to be considered during library cell design.

What’s New in Valor NPI 2305

Valor NPI has recently been updated with version 2305. Included within are many of the revisions and feature updates for this latest version of the software

detectives investigate DFM within a PCB design

The Mysterious Case of the Missing Bowties Part III

Previously… People often say ‘better late than never’, but I’ve never heard my boss say that. After much difficulty in…