
Webinar on-demand: Micro-Solutions – Solving One Challenge at a Time

Can micro-solutions tackle smart manufacturing challenges?

Many smart manufacturing challenges are felt almost industry-wide, but others are unique problems that require focused solutions. Siemens, through the Valor product lines and the Valor Innovation team, enables micro-solutions – targeted solutions designed for agile deployment. Offered as SaaS solutions and based on high level architecture, micro-solutions help manufacturers respond to needs in the field and achieve manufacturing excellence.

To translate the concept of micro-solutions into practical terms, imagine that you encountered a problem on the shop floor and could go to a version of the app store and choose an app to solve your specific problem. You could then run the solution and decide if there was a clear ROI—no strings attached.

This is not a vision for the future; it’s reality. There are several micro-solutions already developed, tested and installed, solving business challenges today. For the Valor Innovation team, focusing on solving small problems is yet another way to reach productivity excellence.

Watch the webinar on demand now>>

Building the Factories of the Future

Over the past decades, manufacturing operations management has evolved from manufacturing execution to enabling smart manufacturing. Today, although digitalized manufacturing enables scalable solutions, extensibility, codeless configuration, data synchronization and contextualization, there is still a need for small and focused solutions. The Valor Innovation team is working with customers to address those needs through micro-solutions, and further the vision of the factory of the future.

In this live webinar, Sagi Reuven, Valor Biz-Dev Manager and guests from electronics start-ups Cybord and Vanti will explain how:

  • Micro-solutions are easily and flexibly deployed, regardless of the MES
  • Vanti uses predictive analytics for early fault detection, dramatically cutting the cost of error
  • Cybord- uses big-data AI in line image processing to prevent the infiltration of counterfeit or malicious hardware-cyber components into electronics products

Learn more about the potential of micro-solutions in the webinar – watch now! >>

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at