Industry 4.0: Is Lot Size 1 Achievable?

In the dynamic world of electronics manufacturing, one of the major challenges is handling an increasing number of New Product Introductions (NPIs) while dealing with shrinking lot sizes. The rise in electronic content across products demands more engineering time and resources. Industry 4.0 is often heralded as the solution, but fully harnessing its potential is a complex task.

PCB testing in electronics manufacturing

Test engineering doesn’t have to slow down production

Even in today’s challenging NPI environment. PCBs are at the center of electronic products, and high expectations for reliability is…

Siemens Furth electronics factory

Efficiency is key to more sustainable manufacturing

Podcast #3 in our new series with I-Connect007: Sustainability in Electronics Manufacturing As we become more aware of our impact…

Supply chain challenges

Manufacturing in a resilient supply chain

Megatrends affecting supply chains In January 2023, the World Economic Forum (WEF) published the first Global Value Chain Barometer to…

difference between data and analytics

What is the difference between data and analytics?

Manufacturing processes today generate enormous amounts of raw data. Collecting and storing big data is costly and doesn’t automatically deliver…

3 solutions for component shortages

3 Creative Solutions for the Component Shortage Crisis

In the fourth of a series of WNIE podcasts, Zac Elliot – Technical Marketing Engineer at Siemens Digital Industries Software…

podcast electronic components vendor management

Effectively Managing Electronic Component Vendors as the Supply Chain Widens

In the third of a series of WNIE podcasts, Mark Laing – Business Development Manager at Siemens Digital Industries Software…

PCB design for supply chain instability

Solving supply chain instability in the PCB design stage

In the second of a series of WNIE podcasts, Susan Kayesar – PCBflow Product Manager at Siemens Digital Industries Software…

Smart manufacturing MES

Why is an MES needed for successful smart manufacturing?

Last blog in our 12-part series covering the Digital Twin Best Practices in Electronics Manufacturing mini-webinar series by Jay Gorajia…

Optimizing intralogistics with digital twin

How to master material flow throughout the plant

Webinar on-demand: Optimizing intralogistics with the digital twin Electronics manufacturing is more complex today than ever before. On top of…