Thought Leadership

UVM-EA (Early Adopter) Starter Kit Available for Download

Companion UVM-EA OVM Compatibility Overlay Kit Available for Download

uvm-logo-web1Mentor Graphics has made available its UVM-EA starter kit to promote OVM users’ feedback on UVM. As I wrote in an earlier blog, Accellera has defined specific modifications to OVM 2.1.1 to create UVM-EA.  The Mentor Graphics version of the UVM-EA can be downloaded here.  The UVM-EA starter kits passes all our Questa 6.6 regression tests.

The UVM-EA OVM Compatibility Overlay kit is also available at The UVM-EA OVM Compatibility Overlay kit allows OVM users to continue with their unmodified OVM environments and use the UVM-EA library.  The UVM-EA OVM Compatibility Overlay kit has been fully tested with Questa 6.6 using native OVM.  Details on the tests can be found in the README file.  We welcome feedback from consumers who use it with other verification platforms. It is written in standard SystemVerilog and should work for all platforms that support IEEE 1800™.  It can be downloaded here.

What is the difference between OVM 2.1.1 and UVM-EA? The VIP-TSC has mandated that all file names that contain OVM be changed to UVM and all code that uses “ovm” be changed to “uvm.” The Mentor Graphics UVM-EA represents a faithful representation of VIP-TSC requirements. Please note: These are not the only changes contemplated by Accellera. The Accellera VIP-TSC has indicated a desire to review the “end-of-test” and “callback” services within the UVM-EA and add “message catching.” This code is for early adopter review, not for production use as VIP-TSC changes are likely.

We will share updates on UVM developments with you as it merits and as me make updates to these early adopter UVM kits as needed. If you would like follow or participate directly in the Accellera VIP-TSC standardization effort, please visit for more information.

Dennis Brophy
Director of Ecosystems

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at