Thought Leadership

DAC: Day 1; An Ode to an Old Friend

Denali Finale

While I ponder the hundreds of partners I work with to support a vibrant ecosystem of ModelSim and Questa users (thank you to all of you, by the way!) tonight was a special night for a long standing partner: Denali.

Looking back into the archives, the first communication from Sanjay (Srivastava), Mark (Gogolewski) and David (Lin) pondering our possible collaborative efforts in the late nineties to the first of your party invitations to the Bourbon Street Bash held at Patout’s Bourbon Vieux Room give me pause.  Last in the archive is, of course, the invitation to the Monday Denali Party at the House of Blues. (And it is amazing what Jeannette Zelaya can do in two weeks!  My hats off to you!)

Karen Bartleson as Paula at Denali Party In the frivolity before the musical festivities, the EDA Idol judges gathered for the fourth (and final) Denali EDA Idol competition.  I must say, there are a lot of very talented musicians from within EDA and our customers.  This year’s crop of contestants were very good.  But fellow judges Simon Davidmann and Karen Bartleson reminisced about the past contests and an end of an era.  Karen  Bartleson even out did her wardrobe of prior years and was stunning as our EDA Idol “Paula.”  I sure hope she can change her hair color back overnight.  The picture to the left is actually Karen.  Can you recognize her?

ModelSim Fender One can only hope the “music” continues on.  The Mentor ModelSim team has made a small dent in EDA music with the creation of a“ModelSim” Fender Stratocaster guitar this year.  (No, I don’t play, but maybe one day we can share it with those who can.)

Mentor Fender Statocaster

If the contestants tonight prove anything, hope rises eternal for more music, fun and camaraderie in the future.  We can hope.

On an endnote, the start of tonight’s party was a moving tribute from Mark Gogolewski to fellow Denali employees, customers, partners and his best treasure, his “better half” as he said, his wife.  You touched a chord with many.

To all of Denali (present and past), thank you for the opportunity to collaborate with you for more than a decade of mutual customer success.  I wish all of you well, always.

Dennis Brophy
Director of Ecosystems

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