Thought Leadership

On-Demand Webinar: UVM Sequences in Depth

When I was at DAC this year, I had a few folks come up to me at our Verification Academy booth and suggest that I do a “Recipe of the Month” webinar on UVM sequences. They’d seen plenty of information on sequence mechanics and generating stimulus with sequences, but these users were particularly interested in Slave sequences, which aren’t necessarily very intuitive. Of course, we have several articles dealing with all types of sequences in the UVM Cookbook on Verification Academy, but sometimes it’s a little easier to have someone walk through an example in a webinar. To that end, we created an on-demand webinar to explain “UVM Sequences in Depth” which is available for you to review at your leisure.

In the webinar, we explain how a Slave Sequence can be used to implement “responder” functionality in your testbench and how this use model makes it easier to modify the slave functionality as necessary rather than to swap in a new component. We also show how to use virtual sequences to coordinate the stimulus and slave sequences, and then we wrap up with an example of how to handle interrupt sequences.

This particular webinar is, to date, the most popular of our regular webinar series, with over 300 attendees. I was happy to be able to reach so many of you with this information and hope you found it valuable. Feel free to suggest topics for future webinars in the comments section.

Tom Fitzpatrick

Tom Fitzpatrick


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