Thought Leadership

Accellera Portable Stimulus Working Group Accepting Technology Contributions

I am please to announce that, beginning today, the Accellera Portable Stimulus Working Group (PSWG) is accepting technology contributions to assist in the creation of a Portable Test and Stimulus standard. More details can be found at

This milestone marks a critical point in our efforts to bring a Portable Stimulus standard to the industry. Beginning in May of 2014, several companies came together to form the first Proposed Working Group in Accellera to evaluate the feasibility and need for such a standard. After six months of diligent work, the PWG created a set of 120 requirements as part of a proposal to the Accellera Board of Directors that a Working Group be formed. The PSWG began at DVCon this year and for the past several months has been working to define a set of goals, milestones and design objectives to guide the standardization effort. Now it’s your turn to get in on the act.

Contributions will be accepted until August 5th, after which the WG will be evaulating the contributions and deciding which one(s) to use as the basis for the standard.

If you’re at DAC this week, stop by the Verification Academy booth (#2408) and see a full slate of technical presentations including one where I’ll be sharing some of our thoughts on what the standard should look like. To register for any/all of these sessions, please go here. See you at DAC!

Tom Fitzpatrick

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