Thought Leadership

2016 Bangalore edition of Mentor’s Forum for Verification is round the corner

Just over a decade ago, Mentor Graphics had initiated a technology forum in India called the ‘EDA Tech Forum’, this Industry event focused on diverse technologies in the EDA & Semiconductor domains. I, as a customer was regular in attending these forums to get a first-hand knowledge and experience in the ever-changing technology world. This was a great platform for me to learn about the upcoming technologies and methodologies. This also provided an opportunity to interact and network with various technology leaders from the industry.

The EDA Tech Forum was an overwhelming success with larger and larger participation year on year. About seven years ago, this forum got diversified from a combined tech forum to technology-focused forum, thus emerged the Mentor Verification Forum.

It has been close to five years since I have joined Mentor. I have been driving this event for over four years. Being amongst the audience in the past has undoubtedly helped me relate to what most participants would like to take away from such an event and keeping that perspective in mind helps me create an agenda that is appreciated by the audience.

This years’ Mentor Verification Forum is on 5th May 2016 at Vivanta by Taj at M.G Road. Here are the highlights of this year’s event:

  • Mentor’s Keynote – Fight for Future of Verification: Live In It Today by Steve Bailey, Director of Emerging Technologies, Mentor Graphics
  • Industry Keynote – Doing more for less – Verification for the IoT age by Namratha Jaisimha, Sr. Director – Engineering, Qualcomm India
  • Industry Vision Talk by Gyana Bardhan Pattanaik, Group Head, Embedded Division, L&T Technology Services

The agenda also comprises of Industry testimonials and technology discussions on various latest trends in the industry such as Portable Stimulus, Easy to use Memory Models, Verification of Security Domain and using emulation for Low power verification. You will also have the opportunity to visit the booths of IEEE, Mentor Channel partners & Questa Vanguard Partners.

If you haven’t already registered, here is the link to the registration. Don’t miss this opportunity to participate, network and take something away from this forum.

Pradeep Salla

Pradeep Salla is a Technical Manager at Mentor Graphics. He manages a team which is responsible for pre-sales and support of Design Verification Technology product line and based out of Bangalore, India. He has over 16+ years of experience in verification and verification methodologies.

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