Thought Leadership

DVCon India 2016–Outstanding Program Awaits

A great technical program awaits you for DVCon India 2016!  The DVCon India Steering Committee and Technical Program Committee have put together another outstanding program.  The two-day event splits itself into two main technical tracks: one for the Design Verification professional [DV Track] and the other from the Electronic System Design professional [ESL Track].  The conference will be held on Thursday & Friday, 15-16 September 2016 at the Leela Palace in Bangalore.  The conference opens with industry keynotes and a round of technical tutorials the first day.  Wally Rhines, Mentor Graphics CEO, will be the first keynote of the morning on “Design Verification – Challenging Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.”

Mentor Graphics at DVCon India

In addition to Wally’s keynote, Mentor Graphics has sponsored several tutorials which when combined with other conference tutorials shares information, techniques and tips-and-tricks that can be applied to your current design and verification challenges.

The conference’s other technical elements (Posters, Panels & Papers) will likewise feature Mentor Graphics participants.  You should visit the DVCon India website for the full details on the comprehensive and deep program that has been put together.  The breadth of topics makes it an outstanding program.

Accellera Portable Stimulus Standard (PSS)

The hit of the first DVCon India was the early discussion about the emerging standardization activity in Accellera on “Portable Stimulus.”  In fact, at the second DVCon India a follow-up presentation on PSS standardization was requested and given as well (Leveraging Portable Stimulus Across Domains and Disciplines).  This year will be no exception to cover the PSS topic.

The Accellera Tutorial for DVCon India 2016 is on the emerging Portable Stimulus Standard.  The last thing any design and verification team wants to do is to rewrite a test as a design progresses along a path from concept to silicon.  The Accellera PSS tutorial will share with you concepts being ratified in the standard to bring the next generation of verification productivity and efficiency to you to avoid this.  Don’t be surprised if the PSS tutorial is standing room only.  I suggest if you want a seat, you come early to the room.


To attend DVCon India, you must register.  A discounted registration rates available through 30 August 2016.  Click here to register!  I look forward to see you at DVCon India 2016! If you can’t join us in person, track the Mentor team on social media or on Twitter with hashtag #DVCon.

Dennis Brophy
Director of Ecosystems

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