Thought Leadership

New UVM Cookbook Hot Off the Presses and In the Press

As you may know, we recently updated the online UVM Cookbook on Verification Academy. As you’ll see in “Updated UVM Cookbook Supports IEEE 1800.2 Standard and Emulation,” this latest version is the culmination of our efforts both to update the contents and examples to be IEEE 1800.2-compliant, but also to promote a new approach to UVM testbench architecture to make it easier to reuse your UVM infrastructure as your project moves to emulation. This new architecture is based on the use of “split transactors,” making it easier to keep all class-based activity in the simulator and maximizing the bandwidth of the communication between the simulator and the emulator.

The other thing we did in updating the Cookbook was to enhance the organization of chapters, cleaning up some and adding a few new chapters. If you’re new to the UVM, I think you’ll find the new “UVM Basics” chapter particularly helpful.

There are more details in the article. Please check it out and let me know in the comments below what you think.

Author Info:
Tom Fitzpatrick
ID: 71936

Tom Fitzpatrick

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at