Thought Leadership

How to Prove that It’s Not Your Fault

In our June, 2018 edition of Verification Horizons, there’s a great article by my colleague Doug Smith, one of our formal verification experts and all-around good guy, that I wanted to call to your attention. In “It’s Not My Fault! How to Run a Better Fault Campaign Using Formal,” Doug walks us through using formal verification to improve fault verification for an ISO 26262 automotive safety-critical design. As you’ll see in the article, the key is to reduce the number of faults to be analyzed through structural analysis and fault pruning, and then relying on formal to ensure that each fault can be reliably activated, propagated and observed.

You’ll also see how our new Sequential Logic Equivalency Checking (SLEC) tool can be used to automate and improve fault propagation and additional fault analysis as part of the solution.

There are plenty of other great articles that you’ll want to check out too. Enjoy!

Tom Fitzpatrick

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at