Thought Leadership

Adding Functional Safety to Verification Academy

We here at Mentor never stop working to keep the Verification Academy at the forefront of the functional verification community. We have received many requests recently to include the topic of Functional Safety, and I am excited to tell you that this newest topic area is now available. Here you will find a number of resources to enhance your verification processes to meet the demands of safety-critical verification as defined by DO-254, ISO 26262 and others to help ensure that your next project will avoid unreasonable risk due to malfunctioning systems resulting in damage to persons or property.

Through a new series of video courses and Featured Sessions from recent live events, you will learn how to address these standards through risk analysis, Safety Integrity Level (SIL) determination and other steps to pass certification. Without proper guidance, the new layers of complexity that these requirements add to your project could easily lead to unplanned time and resource overhead. These new resources will show you how Mentor’s design and verification solutions, combined with Siemens Lifecycle Management tools can help along every step of your safety-critical workflow.

I recommend that you start with our new Introduction to DO-254 video course. The initial session in this course introduces you to DO-254 in layman’s terms and gives you an understanding of what DO-254 is and how it will impact your verification process.

The other session to check out as you get started on this exciting topic is our recent DAC panel, “The Automotive Digital Twin – Virtual or Virtually Impossible.” In this session, you’ll see experts discussing the pros and cons of creating a “digital twin,” which virtually models the complete development of a complex system 100% digitally before any physical hardware is created. Aside from the fascinating conversation, you’ll also learn a bit about the ISO 26262 Automotive Safety standard.

As you’ll see, these are just a couple of the great resources you’ll find in this new are of Verification Academy. We will continue to update this important topic over the coming months, so be sure to check back regularly.

If you’re not yet a member of Verification Academy, it easy (and free) to sign up and get access to these and many other great resources. I can’t tell you how many of your fellow engineers, both colleagues and competitors, have come up to me at trade shows over the years to thank me for the Academy. If you haven’t visited recently, you should!

Tom Fitzpatrick


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