Thought Leadership

Didn’t make it to DAC this year? We’ve got you covered!

I’ve probably mentioned in the past that DAC is one of my favorite events of the year. Aside from catching up with old friends, and meeting new ones, I especially enjoy the opportunity to present some of our new technology to large groups in our Verification Academy booth. This year I set a personal record doing three separate presentations about different aspects of Portable Stimulus and UVM. All of the Academy booth presentations were recorded and are now available on Verification Academy, but I’d like to call your attention to one in particular.

Since we started the effort to standardize Portable Stimulus in Accellera, I’ve been asked by many people whether PSS would replace UVM. The answer is emphatically “no.” Since PSS was designed to allow tools to generate target-specific implementations of the abstract scenarios that model verification intent, UVM actually serves as one possible implementation platform. As you’ll see if you watch “UVM and Portable Stimulus: a Match Made in Heaven,” the abstract model in PSS is used to generate a combination of sequences and virtual sequences in UVM that will run in your existing UVM environment. PSS tools do not generate components, so there will always need to be someone to write the actual environment (a task which is made much simpler using our UVM Framework). Please check out the video to see some of the other advantages the PSS gives you, complementing UVM and letting you really get the most out of your verification environment.

While you’re there, be sure to check out the videos of the other sessions as well.

See you next year in San Francisco!

Tom Fitzpatrick

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